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    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi hellmonster -- 24 Kasım 2005, 18:46:06 >

  • Painkiller Walkthrough Boards Guide FAQs Cheats

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    This document Copyright 2004 Daniel Engel

    Painkiller FAQ
    July 24, 2004
    Daniel (FecalLord) Engel
    fecalord [AT] gmail [DOT] com
    ICQ: 9722762


    Table of Contents

    (A) This Table of Contents
    (B) Introduction
    (C) System Requirements
    (D) Controls
    (E) Weapons
    (F) Items
    (G) Tips
    (H) Walkthrough
    - (H-01) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 01 - CEMETERY
    - (H-03) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 03 - CATACOMBS
    - (H-04) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 04 - CATHEDRAL
    - (H-05) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 05 - ENCLAVE

    - (H-06) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 01 - PRISON
    - (H-07) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 02 - OPERA HOUSE
    - (H-08) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 03 - ASYLUM
    - (H-09) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 04 - SNOWY BRIDGE
    - (H-10) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 05 - TOWN
    - (H-11) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 06 - SWAMP

    - (H-12) CHAPTER 03 - LEVEL 01 - TRAIN STATION
    - (H-14) CHAPTER 03 - LEVEL 03 - MILITARY BASE
    - (H-15) CHAPTER 03 - LEVEL 04 - RUINS

    - (H-16) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 01 - CASTLE
    - (H-17) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 02 - THE PALACE
    - (H-18) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 03 - BABEL
    - (H-19) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 04 - FOREST
    - (H-20) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 05 - THE TOWER

    - (H-21) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 01 - CITY ON WATER
    - (H-22) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 02 - DOCKS
    - (H-23) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 03 - OLD MONASTERY
    - (H-24) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 04 - HELL

    - (H-25) ENDING 2
    (I) Black Tarot Cards
    (J) Cheats
    (K) Thanks
    (L) Experimental


    Painkiller is a modern first-person shooter that many people have likened to
    the classic Doom series of games [which are finally being updated later this
    year with Doom 3].

    The game has you fighting hordes of enemies with a pile of weapons and not a
    whole lot of thinking. It's mainly fast-paced, twitchy action with few puzzle

    Your character can collect the souls of his defeated foes, and once he collects
    a certain amount of them he temporarily morphs into a demon. During this time
    all enemies burn with bright flames and become incredibly easy to see. This
    allows you to quickly hunt them down and dispatch them with your deadly shots,
    until the effect wears off and you're back to your own weapons.

    The physics in the game are very cool to witness as well, because when you
    blast an enemy at close range with a shotgun he will go FLYING. If you're
    really close to him when you do it, he'll become a disgusting pile of mush.

    The enemies aren't the only thing in the game with such physics though, many of
    the background objects react to each other, to you or enemies moving/attacking
    them and to explosions around them. It's really something when you see your
    first chain reaction of background objects colliding/exploding into one

    As an interesting aside, DreamCatcher Games [one of the companies behind
    Painkiller] is based in Toronto, Ontario. Which means they're locals!
    For me anyway ;)

    I hope you enjoy the game, because I sure do.


    Since system requirements are a big deal with a lot of people for this game,
    here they are from the game's readme file.


    OS: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP

    CPU: 1.5 GHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor

    RAM: 384 MB

    CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: 8X speed

    Hard Drive Space: 1.2 GB available

    Video: 64 MB DirectX 8.1 card with hardware
    Transform & Lighting support (NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS or better)

    Sound: DirectX 8.1b or better compatible

    Input: Keyboard and mouse


    OS: Windows XP

    CPU: 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor

    RAM: 512 MB

    CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: 8X speed

    Hard Drive Space: 1.2 GB available

    Video: 128 MB DirectX 9 card, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 or better

    Sound: DirectX 8.1b or better compatible

    Input: Keyboard and mouse

    It's also worth noting, that during the install I was told that my system
    doesn't support 640x480 and 24 million colours. I went ahead with the install
    though and everything worked fine.

    If you find that the game is performing poorly on your system then try lowering
    the resolution or any of the graphics effects. It may look a little plain but
    if it helps you play the game smoother it's worth it.


    The default controls for this game are as follows:

    W/S/A/D - Move your character forward/back and strafe left/right.
    Space - Jump.

    Left-Click - Primary fire.
    Right-Click - Secondary fire.

    E - Use golden cards.
    Tab - Check your score for the current stage, also shows your objective for
    getting the tarot card.

    Mousewheel - Change weapons.

    F5 - Quicksave.
    F9 - Quickload.

    1-5 - Select weapon.
    L - Light [Doesn't work on all video cards, like mine].
    P - Pause.
    F12 - Screenshot.


    Pain Killer

    You begin the game with this staff and it has two functions.

    The primary function has the end opening up into a series of blades that spin
    around wildly. You can then run at enemies to cut them good or you can
    right-click to launch the blades at your target.

    The secondary function launches a glowing orb forward that attaches to whatever
    it hits. Hitting the button again returns the orb to your staff.


    This weapon is most effective at closer distances, where it deals some good

    Its secondary attack is the freezer, which basically slows the enemy down until
    they stop moving after they get hit with a shot. You can then shoot them with
    anything to finish the job and shatter them into many pieces.


    This gun fires sharp wooden stakes with incredible force [and yet there's not a
    vampire to be found], but it takes a little more thought to use than most
    weapons. First of all the stakes are affected by gravity as they arc through
    the air, so you need to fire above an enemy if they're really far away from you
    to hit them successfully. This weapon also takes time to reload between EACH
    SHOT, so it's not that great for taking out large groups of enemies quickly.

    The secondary function of the weapon is a grenade launcher, simply launch a
    shot and keep your distance before it explodes a moment later.


    This gun's secondary function is a chaingun and it fires shots very quickly,
    and is great for picking off enemies from a distance or cutting through groups
    of enemies.

    The primary function of the gun is a rocket launcher, and this is also quite
    helpful for attacking distant targets, or taking out large groups by either
    firing into them or at their feet [even at a nearby wall].

    Electro Driver

    This gun fires ninja stars very quickly as it's primary function and is pretty
    helpful for attacking enemies from a distance. The secondary function fires a
    stream of electricity that is more effective at closer distances.

    You can also use both functions at once [press both mouse buttons] to fire
    electrified ninja stars. These kill enemies quickly and they also zap any
    other enemies that get close to them for a brief period. Using this attack
    takes a lot of power though, so keep that in mind.

    (F) ITEMS


    Souls come in either green or red. The green ones are much more common and
    they refill one unit of health when collected. The red ones are much more
    rare, but they give you 6 units of health when collected. You also morph into
    a demon for a brief period of time once you've collected 66 souls. If you are
    using tarot cards though you can lower that number, to make things easier.


    Health comes in two colours and looks very similar to souls. The yellow health
    refills 25 units of health [up to a maximum of 100], while the red/green health
    refills 100 units [up to a maximum of 300?].


    The ammo for all the guns and each of their functions comes in many shapes and
    sizes, but you'll quickly learn to recognize them. There is also a REALLY
    large ammo box that gives you ammo for all weapons/functions when picked up.


    Gold comes out of just about any object that can be smashed, and it is used to
    place [equip] tarot cards.

    Holy Items

    These golden items give you 100 gold when you collect them, so they're well
    worth finding.

    Skull Masks

    These masks upgrade your weapons for a brief period, and they also add a red
    glow to your vision during this time. Shotgun shots have no spread to them,
    your stakes fly perfectly straight and flaming ninja stars are a few of the

    Glowing Stars

    These are merely plot items that you need to collect in order to finish one of
    the final stages, otherwise they do nothing.

    (G) TIPS

    Be sure to download the latest patches [V1.3.1 as of this writing] for the game
    at the official website. http://www.painkillergame.com

    Check out the Painkiller Forums if you find yourself in a tight spot that I
    haven't covered yet, they're VERY active.


    A great resource for finding secrets is Painkiller Hell, they have screenshots
    and even videos of how to get all of the secrets in the game.


    The checkpoints in the Daydream and Insomnia difficulties fully restore your
    health when you reach them.

    USE THE ARROW at the top of the screen because it always points to either an
    enemy or the next checkpoint [it glows red for checkpoints], unless there
    aren't any of either in the area.

    Smash everything you see, because you never know what you'll find inside.

    Your ammo DOESN'T carry over for each stage so don't be afraid to save the
    heavy stuff for later.

    Holy items are worth 100 gold, so they're well worth finding.

    Gold disappears if left for too long much like souls, so collect it ASAP when
    you see it.

    Collecting black tarot cards is NOT necessary to complete the game, but by
    making the extra effort to collect them you can make the game easier. They're
    especially helpful on the harder difficulties and if you want to see the TRUE
    ending to the game you'll want to collect all the cards.

    You morph into a demon at 66 souls unless you have a card that makes that
    number smaller, so try your best to morph into a demon when you have a lot of
    enemies to kill. Souls also restore health [red ones restore more than normal]
    when collected, so they're well worth picking up.

    If an enemy takes many hits to kill you can always use a stronger weapon, BUT
    you could also use the freezer to freeze them. Once frozen, a single shot from
    any weapon should shatter them.

    If you are having trouble beating a stage or getting a tarot card, you could
    try using the cheats. This should be a last resort though, because it really
    kills the fun of the game.

    If you're trying to get the tarot cards and/or see the real ending to the game,
    you'll find it much easier to get the tarot cards on the easier difficulties.

    However, you're only able to get 22 cards on the Daydream and Insomnia
    difficulties. When you play the Nightmare difficulty you can get the 23rd card
    from the Prison stage.

    Once you have these 23 cards you can play the game on Trauma difficulty. On
    this difficulty you can play the Forest stage to get the final card, then
    finish the game on this difficulty to see the real ending.

    Bricklayer J. Gastronomy

    You will find the walkthrough [which is based off of the Insomnia difficulty
    for all but the Prison and Forest stages] for the entire game in the sections
    below. You can only play the Prison stage on Nightmare difficulty or above and
    you can only play the Forest stage on Trauma difficulty.

    (H-01) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 01 - CEMETERY

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level
    - Gold: Endurance Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 01

    After the intro you can pass your cursor of over the name of the level to see
    the best scores, otherwise click the red jewel to start the level.

    Part 01

    Quickly head left at the start of the level to find 2 boxes of shotgun ammo and
    the shotgun. Now you can either use the painkiller or the shotgun [I say use
    the shotgun] on the group of 16 enemies here [I'll call these enemies
    soldiers]. Each time you kill an enemy you should notice a green light by
    their body, this is their soul and you want to collect it before it disappears.
    I find it helps to back up between a pair of tombs and let the enemies come to
    you, this way your back is covered and they can't attack you as easily.

    If you can't find the remaining enemies you should listen for their footsteps
    or simply follow the arrow at the top of the screen. Once the group is dead
    you will see your first checkpoint as a glowing red symbol on the ground.
    Follow your red arrow to reach it if you can't see it, then watch as it
    restores your health [on the lowest 2 difficulties] and saves your game.

    Part 02

    Enter the next section as you get locked inside, then kill about 15 enemies
    [some of which run at you]. Grab 3 boxes of shotgun ammo [1 on your left 2 on
    your right] and climb the stairs ahead of you. Get behind the lamp post on
    your right and face a small groove in the roof of the building ahead of you.
    Attack the lamp post to get it to fall between this groove, then rapidly jump
    up the lamp post to reach the roof. Collect the holy item from the secret
    area up here and drop down again.

    Enter the building for some armor, then kill the lone enemy to open the door
    that shut behind you. Exit the building and kill 6 more enemies [wait on top
    of the stairs if you wish] with your shotgun or by launching your orb, then
    head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Enter this section and kill the lone witch that can make you temporarily blind
    if she hits you. Collect the soul afterwards and head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Kill about 15 enemies here with your shotgun and collect 6 boxes of ammo,
    then take the health behind the building if you need it before you reach the
    nearby checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Quickly push the barrel out from under the building if you're trying to get
    all the secrets in this stage, then watch as the building collapses. Kill
    about 5 enemies here and collect the ammo if you need it, then head for
    the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Kill the lone witch here and 5 new enemies with red glowing eyes [I'll call
    them knights], then collect the ammo and head back to the barrel that you saved
    from the collapsing building. Push the barrel over to the building where you
    just fought the witch and knights, then roll the barrel to the back of the
    building. Try firing the orb of your painkiller at that wall of the building.
    If it bounces back at you instead of sticking, then you have the right spot.
    Attack the barrel to break that wall and grab the health from the secret area
    inside, then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Kill a group of about 12 soldiers and knights, while you collect the souls and
    ammo. You should notice some brief flashes as you collect souls here where the
    enemies look like flaming demons.

    Once you've collected enough souls you'll enter a brief mode where you become a
    demon and have an extremely powerful attack, while all enemies are on fire and
    easy to see. So try to kill as many enemies as possible when this happens, and
    keep collecting souls so it can happen more often.

    Smash whatever you can and collect any ammo if you need it, then head for a
    small building with flames inside it. Take the ammo box in here and go back
    outside, then look behind the building to find a barrel. Roll this barrel to
    the second segment in the right wall according to the diagram below.

    ------- B = Barrel.
    ----| X | H = House.
    H | X = Location to detonate barrel.
    ----| B| A = Hidden ammo (secret area).

    Attack the barrel from a distance once it's in the right location to break down
    the wall. Collect the ammo from the secret area beyond and follow the arrow to
    the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Kill about 8 knights and 5 soldiers here, then collect any ammo that you need.
    Enter the small building to the right of the large one for some armor and a
    secret area, then head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 09

    This area has about 15 knights and 20 soldiers to kill, so unless you keep
    moving you're likely to take some damage. You can use the health behind the
    building if you need it though. Once all are dead you can move on to the next
    checkpoint in front of the large building.

    Part 10

    Kill the witches and knights as you get a few shots on the big guy. The
    witches are the most annoying because they can make you blind so try to kill
    them as quickly as possible. Focus on the knights after the witches and
    finally shoot the boss until he's gone.

    Collect all the ammo after the fight and head for the white light to see your
    score and end the level.

    You unlock your first Black Tarot card by clearing level 01, so hopefully you
    found enough gold in the objects that you smashed to place it.


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Destroy all objects
    - Gold: Haste Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 01

    Part 01

    Destroy the chest ahead of you and grab the nearby box of ammo, then go past
    the barrels for some more ammo. Kill 3 monks here and head through the grey
    door on your left, then follow the passage down and kill 9 more monks before
    taking some more ammo.

    Go back up to the second floor of this room and take a running jump to the
    ledge on the other side of the room. Smash all chests here for some gold and
    the stakegun, then go down the stairs and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill 13 monks here and grab the armor from the small room on the left, then
    use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill 17 monks when you reach the ground floor and smash all the barrels from a
    distance to get gold and bring you closer to the tarot card goal. Smash 8
    chests through various doors around this lower floor for some more gold, then
    head for the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Kill 10 reapers and 46 monks here as you smash barrels for their gold, then
    collect the ammo by the door that you came in and some more in a small alcove
    to your left with more barrels and chests to smash. Head up the stairs [don't
    forget the holy item and secret area under the stairs] for more ammo and a
    couple more barrels to smash, then jump through the window at the end to reach
    some armor on the ledge to your right. Once you've done all of this you
    should be more than ready to use the checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Grab the ammo that's left of the door when you need it, otherwise kill the 58
    monks and 12 skeleton mages here. The skeleton mages can slow you down with
    their attacks, OR if you walk over their staff so try to avoid both. Smash any
    barrels you can see on the lower floor [including one behind the large statue],
    then climb the stairs and smash the rest of the barrels before using the next

    Part 06

    Kill the skeleton mages and reapers here as you take down the large skeleton.
    Once the level exit is open you can take it, or backtrack to smash any items
    you may have missed [if you're trying for the tarot card].

    Head back to the room where you jumped through a window for some armor. Go
    along that upper ledge and enter the door on your right when you come to it.
    This is one of the secret areas for this stage, so smash all the chests here
    and continue along the ledge to reach 2 more doors and 3 more chests to smash.

    Return to the ledge in the previous room now and follow it around some more [as
    if you were heading for the armor again], then head through another door on
    your right and smash both chests in this secret area.

    You should have destroyed all items now so head for the level exit in the boss
    room and use it to get your tarot card.

    (H-03) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 03 - CATACOMBS

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill all monsters
    - Silver: Soul Keeper Card [500 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 03

    Part 01

    Grab the shotgun and stakegun ammo behind you, then walk up to the large box
    by the rocks. Jump up the plank of wood that's leaning on the left side of the
    box to land on top of it, without tipping it over. Jump to the rock ledge next
    and go to the left end of it. Now jump against the wall to your left and
    hammer the jump button as fast as possible. When I first tried this I managed
    to keep myself jumping on the wall [without touching the ground] but I wasn't
    going any higher. You need to keep going left [while still jumping] until you
    finally hit the spot where you start climbing higher. This spot goes up a bit
    and banks right to lead you right into a tiny alcove. Grab the holy item from
    this secret area and drop down to the ground.

    Shoot the explosive wooden boxes from a distance, then enter the tunnel. Kill
    5 skeletons [some are behind you] as you work your way down, then use the
    nearby checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill 11 skeletons and 2 warriors in the next room, then smash the chests by the
    torches for some gold. Take the armor between the torches on your right, then
    get ready for a hard holy item/secret area [unless you don't want it].

    On the pillar to the right of the broken one there is a rope, so climb that
    rope to reach the top of that pillar. Now there are a series of vines that you
    need to jump across in order to reach the holy item and secret area.
    Unfortunately I haven't been able to jump off of the first vine, never mind
    reach the holy item.

    Drop to the ground and shoot some bombers up ahead, then grab the shotgun and
    stakegun ammo on either side of the opening as you dodge the shots of the

    Grab the stakegun up ahead and use it to kill the four ninjas around you, just
    remember that you need to worry about gravity. So if the enemy is really far
    away you'll need to aim above them, so the shot arcs properly and kills them.

    Carefully cross the bridge and kill the ninja beyond, then enter the passage on
    your right. Grab the ammo here and smash the chests for some gold, then kill a
    group of skeletons and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Make sure you save at least one box of TNT here, if you want to get the next
    holy item/secret.

    Kill the skeletons and ninjas up ahead, then smash all chests and coffins for
    gold. Enter the room where the ninjas came from and smash some chests and
    for more gold, then push one of the boxes of TNT to the checkpoint before using

    Part 04

    Push the box of TNT inside as you enter, otherwise you can't go back for it
    until you open the level exit.

    Kill a group of bombers and some warriors, then smash a chest and take both
    tunnels to smash some coffins. Collect as much ammo as you need and smash
    another chest here, then push the box of TNT down the right tunnel. Jump on
    the box and jump to one of the upper alcoves. The holy item/secret area is in
    the third [upper] alcove, on the left side of this tunnel. So you can either
    push the box to it and jump straight in, or you can work your way across from
    the upper level [jumping from alcove to alcove]. Either way you should use the
    next checkpoint once you have the holy item.

    Part 05

    Kill skeletons, warriors and bombers [some from behind] as you carefully cross
    the bridge ahead, then turn around and look under the bridge. That health is
    in a secret area, so hug the right wall as you drop down. Jump rapidly as you
    trace the wall around to the health, then jump back along the wall and jump
    repeatedly at the spot where you fell down [just left of the bridge] to get
    back out.

    Go down the stairs ahead of you for some ammo before taking the high road.
    Quickly kill the skeleton that pops up behind you, then shoot some more
    skeletons and some bombers up ahead. Take the right path up ahead as you smash
    a chest and kill some more enemies, then take the left path at the bottom.
    Take the stakes here and smash the chest, then use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Take the right path and kill a pair of skeletons, then smash a few chests and
    take the armor. Go back to the fork and take the left path to reach the next

    Part 07

    Smash the chests on both sides of the room for some gold, then take the ammo
    and follow the passage to the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Smash the crates and kill a LARGE group of bombers, warriors, skeletons and
    even the odd ninja. Head down to the next floor and kill a few ninjas up ahead
    with your stakegun, then go down to the floor below. Enter the large area up
    ahead and kill any remaining ninjas with the stakegun, then check your score
    with TAB. You should have killed all enemies except for one if you're trying
    for the tarot card, otherwise don't worry about it. Smash the crates here and
    use the checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Grab some ammo on the right of the pillar up ahead, then enter the boss room.

    For this boss you can't beat him by shooting him directly. Instead you should
    fire at the planks of wood in the middle of the star in the ceiling. Walk
    across the ledge over the middle of the pit of fire, then wait until the boss
    is very close to you before you take a running jump to the ladder on your left.
    Climb up the ladder as the boss falls in, otherwise repeat the process if you
    jumped to early. Once the boss is dead you can walk across the middle ledge
    once more and jump to the level exit.

    (H-04) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 04 - CATHEDRAL

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find at least 500 gold.
    - Gold: Time Bonus Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 03
    Holy Items: 01

    I recommend spending 500 gold to place the Soul Keeper card, if you unlocked it
    in the previous stage. Also if you're trying to get the tarot card for this
    stage you'll want to go for the last secret area AFTER you reveal the level
    exit. Otherwise destroy all barrels, urns, coffins and anything else you can
    to find gold.

    Part 01

    Smash the barrels and the coffins to your right as you collect the gold, then
    kill 19 monks and use the checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 02

    Kill 10 monks and smash all urns and barrels for some gold, then collect the
    armor on your left and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Shoot the barrels that fall down the stairs and the monks that appear, then
    grab the stakegun and climb to the top of the stairs. Kill a group of skeleton
    mages and monks, then shoot the barrels for some gold. Grab some ammo by the
    pillars and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Smash 4 urns in the darkness ahead for lots of gold, then take the ammo nearby
    and enter the next open area.

    Attack the reapers and monks here as you shoot the big guy. He'll shake the
    room every so often which causes rocks to fall from above, but they hurt him if
    they hit him. Otherwise watch for him to pick up any rocks because they're
    going to be flying at you in a sec.

    Once this guy is dead you can scour the room for barrels and ammo, then use the
    checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 05

    Kill some skeleton mages and monks before collecting the ammo around the room,
    then find some more under the stairs [along with some health] before climbing
    them. Kill some monks up here and follow the right path, then smash some urns
    and barrels for some gold and some more health a little farther along this

    Shoot the monks through the opening to your right and smash some urns on your
    left, then go right and shoot some more objects for more gold [leave the brown
    coffin alone though]. Jump repeatedly to get on top of that coffin, then look
    down at it and fire the orb of your painkiller as you jump to get launched real
    high. The timing for this type of jump is pretty tricky and I haven't yet
    figured out a way to do it when I want to, so you'll likely need to use
    quicksaves a lot. Once you're finally up to the secret area you can grab the
    ammo and holy item.

    Drop to the ground below and smash all the urns and objects along the wall here
    for a lot of gold, then go back up the stairs. Head left along the ledge this
    time to reach the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Shoot the group of reapers, skeleton mages and monks, then grab all the ammo
    that you can find. Drop to the ground and kill the rest of the monks, then
    smash all the barrels and use the checkpoint that's down the stairs.

    Part 07

    Kill the reapers and other enemies down here, then take the level exit up

    If you want another secret though [or some more gold] you can go back up the
    stairs and go to the large window on your right. Climb the ladder to the right
    of this window and backtrack to the room where you fought the giant, then go
    left along the ledge until you see some health. Grab it if you need it and go
    through the large door to reach a secret area. Smash all the urns in here for
    more gold, then follow the arrow to the level exit.

    (H-05) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 05 - ENCLAVE

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Necrogiant in less than 02:00.
    - Silver: Blessing Card [200 gold to place]

    It's pretty much impossible to get the tarot card for this stage on your first
    trip here, but if you return later once you have some better cards from other
    stages you should have a much easier time.

    Boss: Necrogiant

    Right when this battle starts you want to rush and grab the armor ahead of you.

    There are two main parts to this battle, then first part lasts until you drain
    half of the boss's health. You can see how much health the boss has by
    checking the red circle at the top of the screen.

    Basically you have two options for weapons, you can either use the stakes from
    a distance to do some damage. The problem with this is that the stake gun
    fires really slowly, also the shots arc so you can't be too far away.

    If you use the shotgun however it's not much different as you still need to be
    fairly close to do any damage to the boss. The shotgun has the advantage
    because there's lots of shotgun ammo around the stage, also it fires much

    Regardless of which weapon you use you should watch the boss's health as you
    fire, if it doesn't go down at all you're too far away and need to attack from
    a little closer.

    Part 01

    The boss has four attacks for this first part, one from close range, two from
    medium range and one from long range. The long range attack involves the boss
    sticking one hand in the ground and causing spikes to burst from the ground
    under you. You can best dodge this attack if you KEEP MOVING, as long as you
    don't stand still you shouldn't get hit.

    The first of the medium range attacks is an overhead smash that the boss
    performs with one of his hands. When you see this coming you want to
    immediately turn around and start jumping repeatedly as you run away.

    Similar to the smash is a slap attack where the boss swings his arm across at
    you. You'll see this one coming much like the smash and the tactic is the
    same, run away and jump as fast and early as possible.

    If you manage to get really close to the boss then you have another attack to
    worry about, that is simply him stepping on you. Personally I find this attack
    is easier to dodge than most of the others and it leaves you in perfect range
    to deal some damage of your own.

    The boss will also pound the ground to call some small enemies to annoy you.
    These guys then chase you until you kill them, so try to get rid of them ASAP.

    That's it for attacks and weapon choice, but it's also worth noting that
    there's a large stone area near the middle of this level that has LOTS of ammo
    and some health. Definitely come here if you're in need of either item, then
    go back to the fight.

    Personally I found it worked best to get in VERY close to the boss, because it
    meant I was too close for him to easily slap or smash me. Constantly fire up
    at the boss as you chase him or run under him, BUT make sure you watch where
    his feet are going so that you don't touch them.

    Once you've drained half of the boss's health the second part of the battle

    Part 02

    The boss's chains get broken as he pounds the ground with both fists at this
    point, then he has a few new tricks up his sleeve.

    One of his two new attacks involves him raining meteors from above if you get
    to close. The other has him creating tornados that can spin you high into the
    air where you'll suffer more damage if caught in one.

    This is a perfect time to break out the stakegun and rain stakes from a
    relatively safe distance, then resort to the shotgun once you're out of stakes.
    Pretty much use the same strategy as you did for part 01, but if you see a
    meteor or hear a tornado RUN LIKE HELL! I didn't bother with the stakes and
    was able to go straight to the shotgun to finish the job, but use whatever
    method works for you.

    Watch the cutscene after the battle and get ready to start the next chapter.

    (H-06) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 01 - PRISON

    This stage is not available on Insomnia difficulty, it's only available on
    Nightmare difficulty or above.

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level using only non-explosive weapons.
    - Silver: Replenish Card [500 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 03

    If you're trying to get the tarot card here, just make sure you don't use the
    grenade launcher or rocket launcher.

    Part 01

    Kill a small group of enemies that fall from above, then shoot the barrels
    under the yellow barrier. Attack the only fan that's not spinning [by the
    garage door] to bring it to the ground, then use the blades of the painkiller
    to push a large blue box over here. Move the fan in front of the vent that it
    fell off of, then push the large blue box on top of the fan. Push a small blue
    box beside this stack, then jump on top of it and into the vents.

    Follow the vents and go right to find a holy item and secret area, then exit
    the vents and drop to the floor. Push a small box over to this barrier and
    jump on it, then walk left to some larger boxes. Jump and grab the armor on
    one, then go through the door ahead. Kill another small group of enemies, then
    take the ammo and head through the double doors.

    Just push the doors open enough to trigger the next group of enemies, then let
    some of them come to you in the small room as you thin out their ranks. Enter
    the larger room and grab ammo under the staircases, then either use the stairs
    in the back right corner or go up the slanted walkway. Follow this upper
    passage around for some more ammo and some armor, then drop down and use the

    Part 02

    Kill a few enemies and grab the gun up ahead, then use the stairs on your right
    and kill a few more enemies. Take the ammo and health on your left [shoot a
    turret through the window by the health if you can see it], then go back down
    the stairs and enter the area ahead. Hug the left wall as you approach the
    alcove, which has a DEADLY turret inside it. Turn right and shoot the enemy
    behind the bars, then save your game and very carefully strafe right a little.
    Shoot the turret [if you didn't shoot it earlier] before you move too far and
    it shoot you, then use the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Shoot the enemies in the next section [try the upper floor and the stairs for
    more cover], then grab the ammo up both staircases and enter the larger area
    with the drums and tanks. Look for the open manhole and climb down the ladder
    inside, then kill the enemies at the bottom. Grab the ammo from the secret
    area and climb back up the ladder, then follow the arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Shoot a number of enemies high and low here as you collect ammo and health in
    the small rooms and cells to your left. Climb the stairs and shoot out some of
    the glass on your right, then shoot one of the barrels beyond to start a nice
    chain reaction. Once the dust settles you should snipe as many enemies as you
    can from here [and shoot the pair of turrets in front of you, they're hard to
    see but it'll make things a lot easier for you], then go along the walkway to
    the right side of the windows.

    Jump through them here and hide among the boxes, then kill the enemies as they
    come to you one by one. Work your way through the boxes to find a few more
    enemies and a small pile of ammo and armor. Watch out for the pair of turrets
    at the far end of this area [if you didn't destroy them earlier] as you move
    through the boxes, then run back to the previous room and head for the

    Part 05

    Run for the left corner as you shoot enemies on both sides of you, then go past
    the flipped table to find some ammo and health in a pair of open rooms ahead.
    Go back to your corner and head through the door beside it, then approach the
    next door as a woman screams. Kill the enemies beyond this door and grab the
    ammo down the stairs, then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Head down the stairs as you shoot some enemies, then enter the room to your
    right to avoid the electricity from the guy in the chair. Kill the enemies
    here and go through the next door, then turn left and shoot the turret on the
    wall. Continue shooting the remaining enemies until you find a switch on the
    wall, then walk into it to turn off the electric chair. Go kill the enemy that
    was in the chair, then use the level exit.

    Unless of course you want to get two more secrets, and holy items. Climb back
    up the stairs and enter the small room up ahead on your left, then grab the
    holy item from the secret area there. Go back to the large room with all the
    windows and the cells, then go along the second floor and climb up the
    staircase to the third floor. Head right and enter the cell with the holy item
    to find the last secret area, then go back and use the level exit.

    (H-07) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 02 - OPERA HOUSE

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Collect at least 100 souls.
    - Gold: Speed Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 02

    If you're trying to get the tarot card for this stage you'll find it a little
    easier to get if you place the soul keeper card. Since this way the souls stay
    on-screen a little longer than normal. Otherwise there's 151 potential souls
    for you to collect and you only need 100 of them.

    Part 01

    Push a garbage can and jump from it to reach the gun on the green dumpster,
    then push two garbage cans by the left end of the fence. Stack on can over the
    other as best as you can with the blades of the painkiller [saves you wasting
    ammo], then jump onto this stack from the dumpster and jump over the fence from
    there. Drop down to the ground and grab the holy item behind the dumpster in
    this secret area, then use the garbage can to get back on the dumpster.

    Jump back over the fence and attack the right lid on the red dumpster to reveal
    a passage. Kill four ninjas inside the passage and grab some armor at the end,
    then smash the crates for some gold and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Climb the ladder and kill more ninjas as you climb the fire escape [drop down
    for some of the souls if you're trying for the tarot card], then get the
    shotgun ammo behind you when you reach the top. Cross the left catwalk for
    some ammo and kill more ninjas on the other side, then head for the nearby fire
    escape and let the ninjas come to you.

    Kill them all and head down the fire escape, then kill a pair of ninjas at the
    bottom. Take the health and ammo behind the large object and climb back up to
    the top of the fire escape, then jump on to the railing on your left. Jump
    towards the large object on the ground and land inside it for a secret area and
    some ammo, then follow the arrow to the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Push the "wet-floor" sign back against the stage and jump off of it to get on
    the stage, then climb the stairs here for some ammo and a secret area.

    Return to the last checkpoint and enter the room beyond, then kill a large
    group of ninjas and samurai there as you carefully collect the souls. Kill the
    crabs and crawlers as they burst out of boxes and fall from above, then smash
    all boxes for gold [including the stack of boxes by the scaffolding] as you
    collect any ammo and health in the room. Climb the scaffolding next for some
    ammo before you follow the arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Take the ammo on your left and shoot the ninjas as you climb the stairs, then
    use the checkpoint at the top.

    Part 05

    Collect ammo from the alcoves as you ignore the checkpoint, then go left down a
    ramp. Collect the health and armor at the bottom before returning to the

    Part 06

    Kill ninjas and samurai as you collect some ammo to your right, then follow the
    path to the ground floor. Quickly rush up the stairs as a group of samurai
    appears, then use your shotgun to take them out [usually some get stuck to the
    right of the stairs which makes your job easier]. Collect the ammo around the
    room, then return to the top floor if you want to get a holy item.

    Find a corner and jump onto the small waist-high barrier, then jump out onto
    the narrow gold trim that lines each arch. Specifically the one in the corner,
    then jump continuously in that corner [while facing it and holding forward] to
    get onto the ledge above. Grab the holy item from the secret area up here,
    then work your way to the ground floor again and use the checkpoint there.

    Part 07

    Use your shotgun on the samurai and your stakegun on the ninjas as you work
    your way down to the ground, then follow the arrow as you kill another ninja
    and reach the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Take the health and ammo before entering the next room, then shoot some crabs
    and samurai [grab ammo behind the stairs] to open the level exit. Shoot the
    boxes for some gold, then use the level exit.

    (H-08) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 03 - ASYLUM

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level using only Painkiller weapon.
    - Gold: Fury Card [200 gold to place]

    Secrets: 03
    Holy Items: 03

    This is a VERY dark stage, so you can make things a little easier by turning up
    the in-game brightness and/or the brightness of your monitor.

    Part 01

    Simply follow the arrow until you come to the checkpoint, there's no enemies to
    kill in this part [though you can get the only armor in the level by going
    across the bridge thing near the checkpoint and collecting it above a

    You may also want to look for a lamp post near the end of the bridge thing
    that's closest to the checkpoint. Use your painkiller to knock this lamp post
    against the roof of the bridge thing, then walk/jump up it to get on the roof.
    Walk to the other end of this roof for some health and a secret area, then
    return to the ground.

    Go to the front of the Asylum and go a little right of the front doors, then
    find the section of bricks that are slightly sticking out of the wall with two
    windows on both sides. Rapidly jump against the corner on the right part of
    this wall, then go a little left to continue the climb before going back right
    [still jumping] and landing on a very small windowsill. Take a small break
    here, then turn left and jump past the wall that you just jumped up, to land on
    a good-sized roof. Continue jumping along the wall and two more tiny
    windowsills, then grab the holy item on the next roof. Now you're all ready to
    follow the arrow to your first checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Smash the planks of wood on the ground as you fall into a passage below, then
    follow the passage until it ends and climb the ladder on the right side of that
    wall [hard to see in the dark].

    Climb the spiral stairs by the window [turn up the brightness a bit if you
    can't see them]to reach the checkpoint up above.

    Part 03

    Walk towards the flames as the lights go out, then use the arrows to guide you
    as you kill the jumpers. Avoid the ghosts as you do this and follow the arrow
    once all are dead. Jump up the ramp here and climb the stairs, then jump to
    the ladder and climb up to the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Collect the ammo up here and drop back down to the ground, then follow the
    arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Drop down a floor and kill the enemies in the hall and on the beds, avoid the
    ghost like usual and head for the new checkpoint once all are dead.

    Part 06

    Snipe the enemies below before you drop through the hole, then kill some more
    enemies up ahead [including some crawling on the ceiling]. Go down the main
    staircase and enter a door to the right of it, then kill a group of jumpers and
    shockers. Go back up the stairs afterwards and kill a similar group there.

    Once all are dead you should go up the main stairs, then take the right set
    when they split. Climb the next set of stairs ahead of you to reach the third
    floor, then enter the room on your left with TWO shiny holy items in it. Grab
    them both and return to the large room where you killed the final waves of
    enemies, then head down the main stairs and out the door to reach the level


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find every secret place.
    - Silver: Dark Soul Card [400 gold to place]

    Secrets: 06
    Holy Items: 03

    Part 01

    Head down the bridge and shoot a group of ninjas, then grab some freezer ammo
    on your left at the end of the bridge. Go down a ramp on your right at this
    end and grab some ammo up ahead, then turn around and go all the way down to
    the end before taking more ammo and some armor on your right. Return to the
    ramp and use it to jump to the pipe in the middle of this area. You can't pick
    up the armor right now but remember where it is before you go left along the
    pipe towards an opening in the fence.

    Go slightly left or right of the middle to pass through the opening, then jump
    rapidly up the debris at the back to reach the nearby ammo in the secret area.
    Get back on the side of the pipe to leave this small area, then jump from the
    stairs to get back on top and drop to the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Smash the debris as you kill more ninjas, then go forward to the end of this
    path and kill another group of ninjas to your left. Grab some ammo under the
    stairs before climbing up them. Shoot the ninjas on your way up and use the
    checkpoint when you reach the top.

    Part 03

    Grab the electro-driver and avoid some falling barrels, then shoot the ninja
    that drops down before you climb the ladders.

    Only do this next section if you're trying to get the tarot card for this stage
    as it's VERY annoying. Climb the first ladder behind you and jump repeatedly
    to work your way around this tower on the narrow ledge. Collect the health in
    the secret area on the other side of the tower, then continue jumping to work
    your way back to the ladders.

    Climb to the top of the ladders before shooting the ninjas ahead of you and
    behind you, then grab the ammo, armor and health. Drop down to the bridge far
    below and get ready for one of the most annoying parts of this stage.

    Once you land you need to kill a large group of spawning ninjas and samurai,
    but you're also walking on ice so you slide a lot. I found that it worked best
    to shoot the barrels from a distance so they don't blow up later when you're
    in-range of the blast. Otherwise use the electro-driver first until it's out
    of ammo, then move on to the grenade launcher for large groups and the stakegun
    for smaller ones. Feel free to use the shotgun and freezer if you want, but I
    found the stakegun worked better.

    While doing all of this you want to be jumping constantly so that you move
    faster. The ninjas like to use their throwing stars so watch for them and jump
    out of the way before they hit. You can also shoot some barrels and towers
    above you at either end of the bridge, which produces some much-needed health
    for you to collect. Once all enemies are dead you can collect any remaining
    items and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Go down the stairs and go down another set of stairs in front of you [and
    slightly right], then turn around at the bottom of the stairs and follow the
    pipe. Go right to where you found some armor earlier, then climb up to the top
    of the stairs and carefully grab the pair of holy items from the secret area.
    Either jump off the bridge again outside or take the stairs back to the
    previous checkpoint, then go down the first set of stairs.

    Continue to the back of the bridge and jump up the mound, then turn around so
    you can land on one of the two ledges. Follow the ledge for some ammo, then do
    the same for ammo on the other ledge. Head back towards the stairs and collect
    some ammo on the left side of the bridge, then grab some more ammo by the
    stairs. Jump on the platform beside you and ride it until it reaches a set of
    doors, then jump off and carefully shoot stakes into the ninjas.

    Follow the path until a door closes behind you, then let the majority of the
    ninjas come to you as you stake them. There are a lot to deal with [similar to
    the bridge], but once you've got them all you just need to pick off the odd
    sniper in the distance [use the arrow, and the ammo at the dead-end] before
    moving on to the next checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Climb the ladder as a huge crate falls down nearby, then pick up the ammo and
    some power for the electro-driver [so you can fire electrical blasts by
    right-clicking]. Look right of the staircase and you should see a very narrow
    passage. Enter this passage and follow it as it bends left, then grab the ammo
    from the secret area and go back to the stairs.

    Climb the stairs and use your stakegun to take out the ninjas and samurai up
    ahead [don't forget the one ninja on the house, use your arrow], then jump
    across the debris to reach the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Use your shotgun on the nearby samurai and your stakegun on the sniping ninjas
    and samurai, then go to the checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 07

    Rush along the tunnel and turn around as you hit a wall, then quickly kill a
    trio of samurai before they gut you. Once the door opens again you can go to
    the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Climb the ladder and look down and to your left before you reach the top, there
    should be a second ladder just beyond the fence. Work your way to this ladder
    [drop to the fence first if you need to] and grab the holy item on the nearby
    beam [which is a secret area], then climb up and back over the fence.

    Climb all the way up the ladder this time before taking the ammo and health,
    then drop on the cable car and ride it across to the other side. Jump off to
    the ledge and kill a crawler, then take the ammo and climb up the ladders.
    Collect some ammo, health and armor as you follow the ledge through a secret
    area, then go back down the ladders and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Kill the crawlers and take the armor under the stairs [or make a note of it for
    later], then climb the ladder and kill the last group of crawlers. Once all
    are dead you can follow the arrow to the level exit.

    (H-10) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 05 - TOWN

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level using stakes only.
    - Gold: Double Haste Card [300 gold to place]

    Secrets: 05
    Holy Items: 04

    If you're trying for the tarot card in this stage it's not that hard, but you
    have to remember to ONLY use stakes. That's the primary attack for the
    stakegun, don't use any other attacks and you should get it.

    Part 01

    Kill the group of enemies up ahead [don't forget one on the wall that's
    harder to see] and get the ammo from the corner, then kill some more as the
    nearby wall comes down. Go round the corner to your right and kill some more
    enemies by the hanging bodies [shoot the barrels to speed things up], don't
    forget a few above the bodies. Once all are dead you can grab the ammo around
    the next corner and use the checkpoint there.

    Part 02

    Follow the arrows as you shoot more enemies, then kill some that are crawling
    in the next section as well as a few up on the ledges. Grab any ammo if you
    need it before heading to the next section, then carefully shoot the witches
    and more humans. Work your way down the hill as you kill the remaining humans
    [including one up high on your right], then use the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Go right at the fork as you grab some ammo and kill some enemies, then head
    down the hill until a wall appears. Kill the divers and collect the souls,
    then follow the arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Grab the armor on your right before killing the humans and mages [there's ammo
    near the fire]. The mages take a few hits to get rid of and they throw their
    staff at you when they die so look out. They can also shoot dead bodies at you
    so they're best killed ASAP. Once you've killed all humans, mages and witches
    in this long battle you should collect any ammo that you missed and follow your
    arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Enter the tunnel and follow it until you reach a fork, then take the left path
    and go through the door that opens to reach the final enemy for this level.

    It's only a mage though so keep your distance and you should be fine, then go
    through the level exit once he's dead.

    (H-11) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 06 - SWAMP

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Swamp Thing in less than 4:00.
    - Gold: Dexterity Card [300 gold to place]

    It's a little easier to get the tarot card for this stage on your first trip
    here compared to the Necrogiant, but if you return later once you have some
    better cards from other stages you'll have a much easier time.

    Boss: Swamp Thing

    This boss cannot be hurt by firing at him directly, at least not until later

    There's a large pile of shotgun ammo on your little island as well as some
    other ammo scattered over the hazardous water. Personally I found the shotgun
    ammo was more than enough to do the job.

    Part 01

    For this part of the battle the boss basically walks in a circle around your
    little island, stopping every so often to do one of two attacks. The first
    attack is to fire a bubble straight at you, but it's easily popped [or dodged
    if you wish] with a single shot at close/medium range.

    You'll know the second type of attack is coming when the boss sticks one of his
    hands down into the water. Quickly look around in a circle at this point until
    you see which side of the island the boss's hand appears at. Quickly back away
    from this edge before the hand comes crashing down on you.

    Otherwise you'll want to fire at the bubbles that form on the surface of the
    water. Specifically you want to fire at the ones that are closest to the boss,
    because they explode and cause him damage. Once about 5/8 of the boss's health
    is left, the second part begins.

    Part 02

    The boss seems to drop his bubble attack in this part of the battle, but he
    replaces it with another one. You should see a glowing ball forming in the
    boss's hands every so often. When you see this you need to quickly jump left
    or right to avoid a fast moving shot. The shot is a lot smaller than the
    bubble from the first part of the battle, but it moves a little faster.

    Otherwise the boss now sticks BOTH hands into the water when he wants to slap
    you, but the strategy remains the same. Quickly look around when you see
    him stick his hands in, then dodge them and get ready to fight back.

    For this part of the battle your shots will damage the boss, but not as much as
    the bubbles will. Much like the first part of the battle you want to find the
    bubbles on the surface of the water. You should see a pair of bubbles as you
    look around, so shoot each one to light the water on fire in those spots. For
    a brief period some bubbles will rise from these two burning locations and you
    can shoot them in mid-air to deal the boss some heavy damage.

    Keep this up and shoot the boss directly when there are no bubbles to shoot,
    then watch the next cutscene after the battle and get ready for the next


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Don't collect a single soul.
    - Silver: Soul Catcher Card [500 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 03

    If you're trying to get the tarot card here you'll want to remove the soul
    keeper card if you have it placed, and keep a constant eye on the soul meter to
    the right of your arrow. You want this meter to stay at 0 through the whole
    stage, but if you mess it up you can go back to your last autosave or

    Part 01

    Kill the 8 soldiers in the tunnels as you avoid their gunfire and grenades
    [collect a box of ammo from the secret area in a pipe on your left], then grab
    the armor from the room on your right while collecting any ammo that you find.
    Shoot the barrels up ahead and kill 4 more soldiers, then use the checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Climb the ladder and kill a group of soldiers on both sides, then collect the
    ammo and head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Climb the stairs and grab the rocket launcher, then kill the large group of
    soldiers. Collect the ammo under all the staircases if you need it, then head
    for the right-most train once all soldiers are dead. Get on the right side of
    this train and walk to the spot where it meets the wall. Walk into the train
    here [it's hard to see the door but you are able to walk inside] and turn
    right, then grab two holy items from the secret area. Leave the train now and
    head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Fight another huge group of soldiers as you collect some health on the upper
    floor and some armor under the large staircase. You'll find ammo around the
    place but there's some chaingun ammo on the ground floor. Once all soldiers
    are dead you should collect any items that are left over and head for the

    Part 05

    This is a very annoying area if you're trying to get the tarot card because
    there's a fair amount of enemies but not a lot of room to dodge them and their

    Use your rocket launcher and chaingun to make short work of most of the
    soldiers here. Don't forget to shoot the enemies up by the windows too, then
    head for the new checkpoint once all are dead.

    Part 06

    Turn left and grab the ammo above the stairs, then go through the doorway
    beyond and take out a small group of enemies. Use your stakes from a distance
    to take out the remaining enemies up high, then return to the previous room and
    enter a tunnel on your right.

    Use the rocket launcher to take out enemies high and low in the room up ahead,
    then go back through the tunnel to reach the new checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Use your stakes and rocket launcher to clear this next room of enemies. There
    are plenty out in the open, a few up high and a couple behind windows but your
    arrow will help you find them all. Pick up all the ammo after the job's done
    and head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Kill a group of soldiers [some of which have flamethrowers], and then a smaller
    group behind you. Once all are dead you can follow the arrow to the level


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill at least 30 enemies in Demon Morph mode.
    - Silver: forgiveness Card [1000 gold to place]

    Secrets: 06
    Holy Items: 04

    Part 01

    Grab the ammo on your left and kill the soldiers outside, then grab the ammo
    behind the building that you started in. Head into the next area and shoot
    more enemies before taking the ammo on your left, then head for the next

    Part 02

    Grab the armor at the back of the room and the ammo in the corners as you shoot
    enemies high and low, then get more ammo in the corners on the upper floor.
    Follow the arrow and drop through the hole in the windows to reach the

    Part 03

    Shoot a large group of enemies as you work your way to the back of the room,
    then kill another group that drops down behind you. Collect all ammo
    before heading through the door on your left, then break out the big guns to
    take out these guys [they use flamethrowers and grenade launchers]. Collect
    any ammo in the room and head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Kill a large group of enemies here including a trio that tries to snipe you
    from the top of some large tanks and a staircase. Enter the small building
    with the open door next and kill a small group of enemies, then grab the ammo
    and armor on the upper floor before using the checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Kill a large group of enemies outside [I recommend using the rocket launcher to
    take them out quickly], then enter the building beside the staircase that had
    the sniper on it earlier. Collect the ammo, health and holy item in this
    secret area, then climb the ladder here for some more ammo. Head outside and
    watch as an explosion happens at the back of the large building, then jump
    through the hole in the wall there.

    Stick to the low road as you kill the enemies, or even jump back through the
    wall and lure them to you one at a time. Collect all ammo down here before you
    climb the stairs, then kill more enemies through the windows. Collect more
    ammo and head left down some stairs as you kill the remaining enemies, then
    grab the health and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Climb the stairs and kill a single enemy, then go to the next checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Follow the tunnel and shoot the tiny group of enemies on the way, then collect
    all the ammo in the next room and go up the ramp on the left side. Kill the
    enemies in here and use your freezer on all the flamethrower enemies once they
    appear. Collect all souls and ammo after the fight, then go up the ramp again
    and jump from the box to reach the checkpoint.

    Part 08

    You'll be pushing boxes in this next section to continue onward, but it's
    really easy. Head straight at the first fork and left at the second, then kill
    a tiny group of enemies. Grab the health and ammo up ahead, then use the next

    Part 09

    Kill a large group of enemies here, you'll likely morph into a demon at least
    once here and it's probably the best part to try for the tarot card. You're
    mainly dealing with the grunt soldiers that charge at you, but later on you
    deal with a few stronger enemies. Pretty much just keep running and use your
    shotgun or rocket launcher to quickly thin out the groups of soldiers. Climb
    the large ladder after the battle and use the level exit at the top.


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill all enemies.
    - Silver: Greed Card [2000 gold to place]

    Secrets: 07
    Holy Items: 04

    If at all possible, you should try to save a demon morph [by keeping your souls
    collected at about 62] for part 14 of this stage. At that point you have to
    fight off 4 tanks in a pretty small room and it can be very hard to do without
    any help.

    Part 01

    Collect the armor and ammo by the vehicles up ahead as you kill some enemies
    inside and outside, then head for the checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill a few flamethrower enemies here and take the ammo, then enter the next
    section and grab the ammo under the stairs. Shoot more enemies as you climb
    the stairs, then shoot the remaining enemies at the top. Collect the ammo and
    health here and head for the checkpoint after the fight.

    Part 03

    Search the bunker and small building on your left for some ammo, then grab some
    more from the other small building as you kill the grunts and flamethrower
    enemies. Grab more ammo from the corner by the small building on your left,
    then wander and wait for a truck to move and open a nearby gate. Shoot the
    barrel by the truck to send it rolling down the hill. Follow the truck down
    the hill and jump over the front of it to get through the next gate, then kill
    a small group of enemies. Go up the ramp and grab the armor in the building to
    your right, then head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Kill the enemy behind you to get the doors open, then shoot a small group of
    enemies up ahead [including one above you when you enter]. Grab all the ammo
    and souls before you go to the next checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Kill the enemies [including those above you] and collect the ammo, then go to
    the corner and ride the elevator down. Kill another enemy once the elevator
    stops, then take the soul and use the checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Kill the enemies as you work your way through the tunnels, then use the
    checkpoint at the end.

    Part 07

    Drop to the bottom of this shaft and attack the grate to get in the vents, then
    take the holy item from the secret area and climb the ladder. Shoot the grate
    and enemies at the top, then climb a nearby ladder and kill some more enemies.
    Climb yet another ladder and kill a few more enemies, then take the armor
    behind them. Enter the shaft once more and collect some ammo, then use the
    next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Climb the ladder and kill the soldiers as you use your rocket launcher on the
    mortars and tanks. As long as you keep moving, the mortars shouldn't be able
    to hit you. Approach the hangars up ahead on your left to trigger some more
    enemies and tanks, then clear them all out.

    Climb on to the plane for some health and a small group of enemies to kill,
    then head for the three long buildings on the right of this area [before the
    hangers]. Go to the back of each of these buildings to find an open door, then
    kill the enemies inside and take the ammo. I found it forked quite well to
    wait beside the first door that opens instead of walking through it, then the
    enemies come to you one at a time and you can easily pick them off. Once all
    three buildings are clear you can head for the checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Kill the enemies inside the building as you take ammo from under the stairs and
    armor by the computer consoles, then climb the stairs to the second floor.
    Kill a small group of enemies here, then collect ammo from behind the machines
    and near the windows. Climb up to the third floor and kill the tiny group of
    enemies, then collect the souls and ride the elevator. Exit the elevator when
    it stops, then use your freezer on the enemy before using the nearby

    Part 10

    Grab some ammo on the outside of the tower, then jump the railing and carefully
    drop down the rooftops to reach the ground. Now that you're safely on solid
    ground you can head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 11

    There is a holy item and secret area in the back left corner of this stage when
    you enter, it's behind a small shed for you to get if you want it.

    Kill all the soldiers, tanks and mortars here, then go to the far right end of
    this area and grab some ammo just outside a medium-sized building. Enter the
    building to find a secret area with some enemies and ammo inside, then climb
    the ladder near the armor to get more ammo and return to the larger area.
    Work your way down a nearby alley and shoot a pile of boxes, then head for the
    checkpoint beyond.

    Part 12

    Shoot the enemies in here and follow the arrow to some ammo and the next

    Part 13

    Grab the ammo behind the building you came out of, then enter the one beside it
    and watch as the wall to your left is destroyed. Kill all enemies in here [the
    grenade launcher or rocket launcher is useful when the enemy comes in groups]
    and head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 14

    Collect ammo from behind the buildings just like before, then enter the
    building beside you and get ready for the hardest part of the stage. Show your
    face around the corner so the soldiers see you, then hide and pick them off one
    by one. Once no more soldiers come to you it's time to destroy FOUR tanks in
    the small room up ahead.

    This leaves you with very little room to avoid their shots, but if you have
    some gold cards I strongly suggest using them now. If you don't have any
    cards, then I hope you managed to get a demon morph from the soldiers [you
    could always load an earlier save for this stage if you want to make sure you
    get a demon morph for this part], otherwise you're going to need a lot of luck.
    Once the tanks are all destroyed you can go to a well-earned checkpoint.

    Part 15

    Grab the armor and health behind the buildings and enter the next one beside
    you, then kill all enemies inside. Collect the souls and use the walkway to
    reach the upper floor, then go to the right side to reach the level exit.

    (H-15) CHAPTER 03 - LEVEL 04 - RUINS

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Guardian in less than 1:20.
    - Gold: Iron Will Card [666 gold to place]

    If you're trying for the tarot card here, then you NEED to come back with
    better cards. The Mercy card is a must, but Dexterity, Double Time Bonus, and
    Rage help a lot too.

    Part 01

    For the first part of this battle you want to attack the top of the boss's
    hammer, not the boss. Once you've dealt the hammer enough damage, it
    disappears and the second part begins

    However before this happens you need to deal with the boss using that hammer to
    smash your face in. Basically you want to stay as far away as possible from
    the boss so that you don't get hit directly. However, even if you're not under
    the hammer when it hits, the shockwaves can still send you flying into the air
    and back down again [which means lots of damage to you]. So try your best to
    jump into the air before the hammer hits, then you can use the shotgun and
    chaingun to damage the hammer most easily.

    As soon as the battle starts you want to grab the ammo around the pillars on
    your left and right, because as the battle rages on the ground gets littered
    with stone and it becomes really hard to find the items. Jump as much as
    possible when moving towards or away from the boss so that you can get over the
    debris quickly.

    Part 02

    Now the boss doesn't have his hammer, but he still pounds the ground with his
    bare fists. The idea is still the same though, keep your distance and jump
    into the air before the boss hits the ground.

    Otherwise attack the boss with whatever weapons you have ammo left for and you
    should win the fight in no time [he's a much bigger target than the hammer
    after all]. Watch the cutscene after the battle and get ready for the next

    (H-16) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 01 - CASTLE

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find every Holy item.
    - Gold: Rage Card [500 gold to place]

    Secrets: 07
    Holy Items: 07

    If you want to get the tarot card for this stage you have to be prepared for
    some REALLY annoying jumping, but otherwise it's not that hard. Just make sure
    that you save your game before trying any of the tricky jumps.

    Part 01

    Head towards the gate ahead and use the freezer to kill the group of dogs, then
    shoot the ropes that are holding up the drawbridge so that you can get across
    it. Sometimes a VERY annoying glitch occurs here and the drawbridge doesn't
    even appear. In this case it's impossible to cross and you need to restart the
    stage. For this reason I STRONGLY recommend checking to see if the drawbridge
    is there and shooting the ropes BEFORE you try to get the holy items under the
    bridge [if you're trying for the tarot card].

    This next section is only needed if you're trying for the tarot card, otherwise
    you can skip it.

    Jump on top of the ledge on your right and find the ladder leading down, then
    climb down it and notice the holy item to the right of the ladder. I find it
    works best to climb up the ladder and jump while climbing to land safely in the
    secret area with the holy item.

    There is in fact another holy item in a similar area farther along the bridge
    [away from the ladder], but in order to get to it you have to make a very
    difficult jump. So make sure you save your game before attempting this, then
    run at the corner of the wall and HOLD the jump button as you jump out of your
    current space. Quickly turn left while still holding the jump button and
    direct yourself into the second area, then grab the holy item and save your
    game once more.

    It's not over yet though, you need to do one of these jumps to reach the next
    holy item even farther along. Once you've done that, you have to go back
    *groan* and then jump to the ladder before climbing up to where you started the

    Cross the drawbridge now and enter the castle, then kill the dogs and lepers
    inside as you grab the armor to your left and ammo to your right. Continue
    onward and shoot some dogs, lepers and an executioner, then collect the ammo
    and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Use your freezer on the two executioners in here, then grab the ammo at the
    back of the room and go to the checkpoint outside.

    Part 03

    Kill the dogs, lepers and an executioner, then grab the ammo and skull mask on
    your left. Enter the small broken house with the low roof for a secret area
    and some ammo, then head for the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Attack a few skeletons in the next room and collect the armor their, then climb
    up the stairs by the entrance to reach the second floor. Use your arrow as you
    kill all skeletons on this floor, then grab the ammo and climb the stairs to
    reach the third floor. Kill the rest of the skeletons up here as you grab some
    health, then go to the checkpoint back on the first floor.

    Part 05

    Grab the ammo while you kill more skeletons in here, then climb the stairs and
    finish the rest off before you head for the checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Drop through a hole in the floor and go to an outside ledge, then go down some
    stairs and up another small set before hugging the left wall. Enter the
    passage in this wall and climb the stairs beyond, then climb the ladder to find
    a secret area and some armor.

    Look for the broken section up here where the ground is slightly lower and you
    should notice a roof up ahead.

    If you're trying to get the tarot card you need to do the following section,
    otherwise ignore it and work your way down to the checkpoint on the ground

    Jump rapidly in a circle on this tower to build up speed, then jump towards
    that roof. Once you land the jump successfully you need to go around the back
    of this [slightly higher] roof where you should notice a holy item on a nearby
    roof. Back up on this roof and jump rapidly forward to build up some speed
    before you sail through the air and land on that holy item in another secret

    Carefully drop onto the wall before dropping farther to the ground below, then
    work your way back to the top of the tower where you started this section.
    Build up speed once more by jumping in a circle and jump across to the next
    roof like you did before. Head to the right side of the lower room that has
    the chimney on it, then carefully look over the edge and drop onto the pair of
    holy items below.

    Now you can head for the nearby checkpoint on the ground below.

    Part 07

    Kill the lepers and executioners here [use the grenade launcher if they lurk in
    a group], then grab the ammo and armor before using the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Kill groups of skeletons, lepers and executioners as you work your way through
    these tunnels. IGNORE the level exit when it appears if you're trying for the
    tarot card, otherwise go ahead and use it [unless you feel like getting a holy

    Go back to the broken house with the low roof and enter the door to the larger
    house beside it, since it's now open. Grab the final holy item from the final
    secret area inside, then smash the chests if you want and go back to use the
    level exit.

    (H-17) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 02 - THE PALACE

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level without any armor.
    - Silver: Vitality Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 02

    Part 01

    Collect the ammo as you kill the skeletons, guards and archers here, then head
    for the first checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill a large group of guards and archers as you collect ammo all over this open
    area, then climb the stairs that were to your right as you entered this area.
    Follow the ledge around until you see four large slabs of stone leaning against
    the middle building. Walk up these slabs to reach the roof of this building,
    then jump onto the blue ledge.

    Make sure you don't fall onto the lower section of the roof, otherwise you'll
    have to drop down and get all the way back up to reach the ledge again. Go
    left along the ledge for a few steps and you should see a pair of chests on a
    roof to your left. Jump to this ledge to reach a secret area and smash the
    chests for some gold. Now you can work your way down to the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill all the guards, skeletons and archers while you avoid the falling rocks,
    then grab some ammo and health before you collect some more on the upper ledge.
    Take the stairs to your right to get up to that level, then head for the

    Part 04

    Smash the chests for some gold and skeletons, then kill some knights and
    archers up ahead. Use your freezer on both, but make sure you shoot the
    knights anywhere but their shield to shatter them. Collect the ammo and health
    [as well as some armor to your left if you're not trying for the tarot card],
    then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Kill the skeletons and collect the ammo as you climb the stairs, then head for
    the checkpoint at the top.

    Part 06

    Collect the ammo around the room as you kill knights, archers and skeletons,
    then grab the health in the middle when you need it. Once all are dead you can
    grab the remaining souls and head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Grab the ammo and shoot the chests in the small room, then enter the large one
    and kill all the guards and knights. Grab the ammo around the room and climb
    the stairs in any of the corners for some more, then follow the arrow to the
    next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Climb the stairs and kill a few guards on your way up, then kill a large group
    of guards on the floor above. Work your way along the ledge for some ammo and
    to finish off any remaining guards and skeletons, then go down a small sloping
    passage by the stairs that you recently used. Collect the holy item and some
    gold from the chests, then go back down the stairs and head for the level exit.

    Kill the group of large guards that appears by using your grenade launcher or
    rocket launcher, then use the level exit.

    (H-18) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 03 - BABEL

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find all ammo.
    - Gold: Double Time Bonus Card [300 gold to place]

    Secrets: 05
    Holy Items: 04

    In this stage you need to get 95 ammo boxes if you want the tarot card. I will
    list how many of these boxes are in each part of the stage and where to find
    them. You will need to waste some ammo if you want to collect all the ammo
    boxes though, because if you have full ammo you can't pick them up.

    Part 01

    14 Ammo Boxes

    Kill the guards and archers, then return to the start and grab the 3 boxes to
    your right. Follow the path here and grab another 3 boxes from the dark
    corner, then grab the armor and kill the group of knights that appears. Climb
    the stairs in the corner to kill the remaining enemies, then collect the 8 ammo
    boxes on the right side of this area.

    Now that you have 14 ammo boxes [check your score with Tab] you can climb the
    stairs and go left across the broken roof. Drop on to one of the planks
    sticking out of the roof and jump down to the health below, then head for the

    Part 02

    08 Ammo Boxes

    Kill a small group of dogs here and grab the ammo boxes, this should bring your
    total to 22 so far. Leave the building and head back down the stairs, then
    follow the arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    27 Ammo Boxes

    Kill the dogs and archers as you climb the stairs, then grab the pair of ammo
    boxes at the top. Ignore the checkpoint for now and head left instead, then
    kill many archers and a few guards as you pick up 13 ammo boxes. Enter the
    secret area up ahead and grab the other 14 ammo boxes inside, then take the
    armor and health. Follow the arrow to the checkpoint that you ignored earlier,
    you should have 49 ammo boxes so far.

    Part 04

    04 Ammo Boxes

    Carefully run through the crushing ceilings and grab the 4 ammo boxes beyond
    [which makes 53 boxes so far], then use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 05

    09 Ammo Boxes

    Shoot the dogs that come running down the stairs before they run into you, then
    grab the skull mask. Shoot the guards and executioners at the top while you
    grab 9 ammo boxes [so you should have 62 now], then go up the stairs to the
    next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    07 Ammo Boxes

    Grab the ammo boxes [and health] in front of you to bring the total to 69, then
    kill a group of archers and an executioner up ahead before following the arrow
    to the next checkpoint.

    Part 07

    01 Ammo Boxes

    Walk across the floor as it crumbles away, then climb the ramp before it too
    falls away. Turn around once you reach the floor above and walk/jump across
    the right side of the large hole, then take the right path around the wall up
    ahead. Watch the wall as you walk along it and climb the ladder by the forth
    arch. Jump the gap to reach a secret area, then grab the holy item, health and
    ammo box inside. Drop down and jump across the large hole once more, then
    follow the arrow to the checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 08

    25 Ammo Boxes

    Grab the four ammo boxes as you attack the executioners, then shoot a large
    executioner. Hug the inner walls of the shaft as you fall down it and land on
    the middle floor, then grab the 10 ammo boxes here and drop the rest of the way
    to the bottom floor.

    Kill the knights until the dogs appear, then shoot all of them. Kill the
    executioners and collect the final 11 ammo boxes, then head for the stage exit.

    If you didn't make it to the middle floor earlier, you can now climb up the
    large staircase to grab the ammo boxes there.

    (H-19) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 04 - FOREST

    This stage is not available on Insomnia difficulty, it's only available on
    Trauma difficulty [which you unlock by getting the other 23 tarot cards on
    Nightmare difficulty or below, the lower difficulties only have 22 cards

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level without using the black Tarot.
    - Silver: Divine Intervention Card [0 gold to place]

    Secrets: 02
    Holy Items: 03

    Part 01

    The witches in this stage are VERY annoying because they fly really fast as
    they shoot at you. I find that the chaingun works best to take them out, since
    they usually follow the same flight pattern repeatedly.

    Kill skeletons, witches and cave people as you grab the ammo on your right,
    then rush up the stairs for more ammo and some armor. Otherwise you want to
    keep moving around this area as you kill 65 enemies. Search the area for any
    leftover ammo, then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill some witches and skeletons, then grab the ammo and skull mask up ahead.
    Kill more skeletons, cave people and witches here, then grab the ammo as the
    barrier collapses up ahead.

    Some annoying armored enemies come out here [as well as more witches flying
    above] and they shoot fast fireballs at you. Fire at the red gut of the
    armored enemies to get them off your back, then head for the level exit.

    (H-20) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 05 - THE TOWER

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Alastor in less than 05:00.
    - Gold: Triple Haste Card [500 gold to place]

    For this entire fight you need to deal with flaming rocks that fall from the
    sky, but otherwise the battle takes place in 4 parts.

    Apparently there's also a third armor somewhere in this level, but I haven't
    found it yet.

    If you're trying for the tarot card here, then you NEED to come back with
    better cards. The Mercy card is great, but Dexterity, Double Time Bonus, Rage
    and Iron Will [so you don't take damage from either Alastor, or the falls in
    this battle] help a lot too.

    Part 01

    For this part you get to dodge the falling rocks and keep an eye out for
    Alastor as he flies around. When he charges at you from across the arena it's
    your best chance to score some major damage with any weapon. Personally I
    recommend the shotgun, but you need to make sure you dodge out of the way
    before you try attacking him. Jump around the edge of the arena as fast as you
    can to pick up lots of chaingun ammo [and some MUCH-needed armor], then once
    you've drained Alastor's health meter he smashes the floor and you both fall to
    the floor below.

    Part 02

    You'll definitely take some damage as you land [you can make it less by trying
    to land on one of the arches on the way down], but quickly grab the health in
    front of you before Alastor attacks you [there's also some armor that you
    should get at the opposite end of this area]. Stay very close to Alastor as
    you use your shotgun on him [you can also use the chaingun but I find it better
    to save that ammo for later], this way he rarely gets a chance to leap at you
    or breathe fire. Your main concern is him stepping on you, but you should
    quickly be able to empty his health meter. At this point Alastor pounds the
    ground and shatters this floor, sending you both falling even farther to the
    next floor below.

    Part 03

    As far as I know, there's no armor on this floor, but if you've been getting it
    on the other floors you should survive the fall after this part.

    This part of the fight is identical to part 02 above, simply stick close to
    Alastor and use the shotgun [or chaingun if you have to] as you quickly drain
    his health. Once drained, Alastor smashes the floor like usual and you both
    fall a longer distance to the final floor.

    Part 04

    The fall into this part is the one that most often kills players, but you
    should have a better chance of surviving it if you got the armor from the
    previous floors.

    As soon as you land safely you need to quickly run and jump to the outer wall
    and grab some of the health there. Now you need to drain Alastor's health like
    usual and wait for him to head to the middle of the room as if he's going to
    smash the floor.

    This time though he gets hit with beams from the 8 statues around the room as
    they restore his health. You need to quickly destroy as many of these statues
    as you can in this brief moment, then repeat the process until all of the
    statues are destroyed. Once all statues are gone you just need to drain the
    rest of Alastor's health to win the fight!

    (H-21) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 01 - CITY ON WATER

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find every secret place.
    - Silver: Last Breath Card [300 gold to place]

    Secrets: 06
    Holy Items: 04

    Part 01

    Smash all the boxes for gold and ammo, then notice the larger box that's still
    standing. You can't destroy this box yet, so go through the arch and shoot the
    thugs beyond [including those in the windows]. Shoot the boxes for some more
    ammo, then start crossing the bridge. Take the white barrel on the left side
    of the bridge and roll it to the start of the stage. Roll the barrel beside
    the giant box, then shoot it from a distance to get rid of the box.

    Save your game and jump rapidly toward the plate that was under the board, then
    let it launch you high into the air. Land on the highest tower on the building
    ahead of you, then grab the holy items and health from the secret area there.
    Jump to the roof below and carefully drop to the ground below, then cross the
    bridge once more as you shoot the enemies in the windows.

    Head right at the other side and cross a small bridge on your right, then grab
    the ammo in the open and jump into the dark wall to find some more ammo in a
    secret area. Go back across the bridge and smash all the boxes for some gold
    and ammo, then face the checkpoint and go to the corner of the building by the

    W|- | CP CP = Checkpoint
    W A| | W = Water
    W|---| A = Ammo
    W * * = Your location

    Save your game and jump out over the water, then quickly turn right to land in
    the secret area. Grab the ammo and jump back, then follow the arrow to the

    Part 02

    Enter the passage and climb the stairs as you shoot a group of thugs, then kill
    some shooters in the windows before using the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill the group of enemies up ahead [including those in the windows and on
    roofs], then go through the next door and shoot the group of enemies from above
    [with the rocket launcher, grenade launcher, or stakegun]. Grab the ammo and
    climb the spiral staircase for a lot more, then drop through the windows and
    head for the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Cross the bridge and climb the stairs again, then follow the arrow to the next

    Part 05

    Kill the enemies on the stairs and roof in the next room, then grab the armor
    at the bottom and use the checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Kill enemies high and low up ahead as you smash the boxes for ammo, then go
    through the left door and smash some more boxes for some armor. Climb the
    stairs to kill any remaining enemies on the rooftops, then follow the arrow to
    the checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Follow the arrow as you shoot a small group of enemies, then continue to follow
    the arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Grab the health and ammo as you kill the skeletons [I used the freezer] around
    the fountain, then shoot the thugs up high and return to the fountain. On the
    right side [as you entered this room] of this fountain there's a door instead
    of a wall. Walk through this door and follow the passage beyond for more ammo
    and a holy item, then go back the way you came and climb some stairs slightly
    left of where you are now. Kill the enemies along the way [including some
    behind you], then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Shoot the enemies on the barrels [or just shoot the barrels], then kill the
    large group [use the skull mask] that appears both high and low afterwards.
    Don't forget the pair of enemies on the roof above the door where you entered
    this area, then smash the boxes for more ammo and go to the right side of the
    large building for some more ammo. You should notice a narrow ledge going
    around the back of the building here, follow this ledge around to find some
    health, then follow the arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 10

    Kill the gunners and skeletons here as you collect the ammo and the armor on
    the right end of the room, then ignore the level exit [unless you don't care
    about the tarot card].

    Go all the way back to the area with the glass cases and go right once you've
    climbed the stairs. You should reach a short set of stairs leading to a
    doorway with some large windows to the right of it. If you look through the
    window, there is a balcony with a railing straight ahead of you. By jumping
    repeatedly along the ledge to your left you can make it there, so do that

    Now get in the corner to your left and jump rapidly as you hold forward to land
    on the grey bridge to your left. Save your game and jump rapidly towards the
    red roof to land on it, then save once more. Cross the roof until you can see
    the large building ahead of you, then go to the right corner of the roof.

    [It's also worth mentioning that this secret can be reached by climbing up the
    stairs to the roof of the large building with the 6 pointy towers. You then
    jump rapidly towards the left-most tower and take a long jump off the top of
    it, to land on the balcony with the holy item. Personally I found this method
    much harder than the one that I'm continuing to describe below.]

    | <----Land on narrow windowsill here

    | ^ Rapidly jump
    | | along edge of
    -| | roof this way
    -| <----Start here

    Save your game before you do anything, then turn left and jump rapidly forward
    along the edge of the roof [as pictured above] to build up speed. Leap over
    the gap and land on the narrow edge of the windowsill on your left. Unless
    your last jump was close to the edge of the roof when you jumped, you'll likely
    hit the water and need to reload your last save.

    I found it work best to take a few steps forward from the starting point in the
    diagram above, but you should be able to judge where the best place to start is
    once you've attempted the jump a couple of times. Once you've landed on the
    windowsill successfully you need to continue jumping so that you don't fall.
    This is a great place to quicksave as you jump continuously on the windowsill.
    Now simply jump repeatedly along the right wall to land on the balcony, then
    grab the well-deserved holy item from this final secret area.

    SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then jump on the railing and jump to the ground below
    before you follow the arrow to the level exit.

    (H-22) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 02 - DOCKS

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Morph into Demon at least 3 times.
    - Gold: Confusion Card [200 gold to place]

    Secrets: 10
    Holy Items: 09

    You'll have a much easier time getting the tarot card for this stage if you
    place the Dark Soul card [you can morph with 50 souls instead of 66]. That
    means that without this card you need to get 198 souls, otherwise you only need
    150 in this stage.

    Part 01

    There's some armor and ammo on the roof of the building on your left, so walk
    forward to the railing and jump over it to the ledge beyond. Walk to the end
    of this ledge and turn around, then jump on the slanted ramp to your right and
    walk up it. Drop onto the roof near the top and grab the items from the secret
    area, then return to the start of the stage.

    Walk forward and go right, then jump onto the small grey building on your left
    and drop onto the staircase. Grab the armor and ignore the stairs, then ride
    the elevator all the way down.

    This can be a hard first battle, so make sure you keep moving and try to kill
    as many enemies as quickly as possible. I recommend jumping to the upper level
    behind the elevator and quickly hiding in the pile of boxes to your right.
    This should give you plenty of time to plan your attack strategy [I went down
    the nearby stairs and hid under them as I killed a small group of enemies]
    without being attacked from all angles. Once all enemies are dead you can
    smash the boxes and grab all the ammo, then head for the checkpoint [and take
    the ammo beside it].

    Part 02

    Kill another group of enemies as you use the ramp and trucks as cover, then
    grab the ammo and the armor under the crane before you use the checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill the enemies [including some that fire rockets] among the alleyways here,
    then collect all the ammo and drop to the lower level that's right of the
    checkpoint. Collect the ammo under the stairs here, then head for the

    Part 04

    Kill the group of enemies here [some with rocket launchers] and pick off the
    few that are up high, then collect the ammo and ride the elevator at the nearby

    Part 05

    Climb the ladder once the elevator stops and walk out along the arm of the
    crane, then jump right to the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Walk to the end of the crane arm and carefully drop to the ledge below, then
    climb down the ladder to your left. Kill the tiny group of enemies ahead of
    you and collect the ammo as you approach the stairs, then climb down them and
    go near the large boxes to draw out the next group of enemies. Quickly climb
    up either staircase and kill to lure the enemies to you, then shoot all of

    Search the area for ammo and remaining enemies, then shoot the truck full of
    explosive crates on the right end of this area. Kill the group of skeletons
    that appears [I used the freezer and shotgun], then grab the ammo on the right
    side of the building up ahead. Collect any remaining souls and follow the
    arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Kill the drunks and rocket-launcher enemies to your right, then collect the
    ammo [including some around the back of the building on your right] and use the
    checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 08

    Kill the skeletons and humans as you collect the ammo, then follow the arrow to
    an elevator and checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Climb the ladder when the elevator stops, then jump the railing on your right
    and walk out along the ledge. Climb the ramp and drop onto the roof for a
    secret area and some health, ammo and armor. Drop back to solid ground and
    follow the arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 10

    Drop onto the hanging green box below, then jump to the blue one and jump to
    the yellow ledge below that. Drop to the boxes from here and jump over to the
    skull mask, then drop down to use it on some groups of enemies. Grab whatever
    ammo you can find and shoot your way through the groups of enemies as you
    approach the end of the ship. Grab the armor here and the ammo around the left
    side, then kill any remaining enemies and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 11

    Kill the drunks in here [use the freezer] while you pick up the ammo, then
    climb to the top of the stairs ahead of you for some more ammo. Go back down
    the stairs and head outside at the second floor, then kill more drunks and some
    skeletons [use freezer on both]. Pick up the ammo and push the box that's by
    the yellow tank to the middle of this area. Jump up the slanted midsection of
    this ship from the box, then rapidly jump up similar slopes until you run out
    of slopes. Grab the holy item from the secret area up here, then drop down and
    follow the arrow to the nearby checkpoint [don't forget the ammo under the

    Part 12

    Grab the ammo beside you and kill the group of enemies, then grab the ammo and
    head for the stairway up ahead. Kill the drunks here and climb to the top for
    more drunks to kill, then head for the next set of stairs and kill a small
    group of skeletons as you get close. Climb the stairs and kill a small group
    of enemies, then head for the level exit.


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Keep HP above 50.
    - Silver: Soul Redeemer Card [1000 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 04

    Part 01

    Kill the monks and witches as you grab the ammo in the area. Watch out for
    falling rocks and grab the health on the left side of the area to fight some
    more enemies and some skeletons. Grab the armor nearby to trigger another
    group of enemies, then look in the nearby well until you see a holy item on an
    alcove inside it. Grab that holy item and fall to the bottom of the well, then
    shoot your way out again.

    Climb the hill that's above the spot where you recently got some health.
    Follow your arrow towards a small house and kill all the enemies around it,
    then grab the glowing star by following your arrow some more.

    This attracts some enemies from the larger house on the right side of this area
    so head that way and kill them all. Enter the building and kill more enemies,
    then jump up the stairs to your right to reach the floor above. Jump the gaps
    as you kill the remaining enemies, then grab some ammo from a small room to
    your left. Continue across the gaps and get the ammo from the room with the
    spiral staircase, then go down the stairs for more ammo.

    Carefully launch a grenade at the barrels here, then hide on the floor above as
    they all explode. Climb to the top of the stairs next [I shot the enemies from
    inside the staircase] and kill a few more enemies, then grab the nearby glowing
    star. Jump onto the bell and jump through the nearby window to reach the roof
    outside, then jump to the front of the roof to find a holy item in the secret
    area there. Carefully drop to the lower roof and the ground beyond, then
    follow your arrow as you climb up a long staircase and use the checkpoint at
    the top.

    Part 02

    Kill the monks and skeletons here, then shoot the barrel in the left corner
    behind you. Climb the stairs beyond it and kill a few more enemies, then climb
    back down and head for the debris up ahead. Cross the bridge to your right to
    get over the gap, then kill a small group of enemies and grab the ammo up the
    short staircase. To the right of this staircase is a passage that has more
    ammo and some armor, so definitely make use of it.

    Jump rapidly along the flat planks [on your right as you crossed the gap] to
    reach a few enemies up ahead, then jump up some more planks ahead of you to
    reach the floor above. Kill a pair of enemies and grab the glowing star here,
    then jump down to the ledge by the arch on your right. Follow the grey plank
    right and shoot your way through the enemies as you follow the path beyond.
    Jump the gap and shoot through a few more enemies, then grab the glowing star
    up ahead.

    Drop to the ground floor and fall into the passage below the large grey
    metallic object, then use the checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill the enemies in the tunnels [as well as some up high], then follow the
    arrow to a gap. Take a running jump to clear the gap, then grab the glowing
    star and kill another enemy. Jump back across the gap and leave the tunnels,
    then go back across the bridge. Kill the lone skeleton before using the
    checkpoint beyond.

    Part 04

    Go down the stairs and kill a group of skeletons, monks and witches at the
    bottom, then take all the ammo and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Fire a rocket or grenade at the group of monks ahead, then shoot the rest and
    CAREFULLY continue onward. Jump across the gap up ahead and use the checkpoint
    on the other side.

    Part 06

    Follow the tunnel down as you kill a small group of enemies, then hug the wall
    at the opening as you make your way down some rocky steps. Kill a few enemies
    at the bottom and head for the level exit.

    (H-24) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 04 - HELL

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Lucifer.
    - Silver: Mercy Card [2000 gold to place]

    This stage has a lot of enemies, BUT they all die with one hit from ANY weapon,
    so just use the primary function of the Painkiller on all of them.

    Part 01

    Grab the ammo beside you and start walking as some enemies appear around you.
    Ignore them and grab the ammo boxes as you continue onward, then grab some
    armor from a secret area by the fire on your left. Grab more ammo from the
    trenches up ahead and take the ammo from the left path, then grab some health
    from the middle path. Return to the fork and take the right path [if you're
    facing the middle path at the time] to escape the trenches.

    Continue past the dinosaur bones as you take more ammo, then grab the health by
    the small building to your left before heading up the road. Collect more ammo
    as you go [including some in the building to your right], then approach the
    Titanic up ahead and head left for some more ammo.

    Now find a location and just keep killing the enemies [when the red ghosts
    appear, you're close] until the battle with Lucifer begins.

    Part 02

    Jump left to dodge Lucifer's slashes, then attack him until he throws his sword
    into the air.

    Meteors start falling from the sky at this point and you need to find one and
    shoot it INTO Lucifer. Keep shooting meteors into him until he eventually
    throws his sword right at you. Now shoot the sword INTO him just like you did
    with the meteors to end the battle. [If you took too long in any part of the
    battle, then you'll have to fight off a few more ghosts before you get to
    battle Lucifer again.]

    Follow your arrow after the battle to finish the stage and see one of the TWO
    endings to the game.

    (H-25) ENDING 2

    If you want to see the other ending you need to beat the game on Trauma
    difficulty. However in order to get there you first need to get 23 tarot
    cards, so it's off to Nightmare difficulty to play the Prison stage.

    Simply load the latest save or autosave [should be for the cemetery if
    autosave, sort the saves by date] if you want to get as many tarot cards as you
    can on your current difficulty. Select "Sign the pact" to switch difficulties,
    but MAKE SURE that you pick NO when asked if you want to delete your cards and
    scores [if you want to keep them for the other difficulties].

    Be VERY careful when starting a new difficulty. I experienced a strange glitch
    where the game didn't seem to remember how many cards I had. I had 22 cards to
    begin with, yet when I started a new difficulty, I only had 4 cards. I tried
    again and ended up with only 20 cards, but didn't notice until I had played
    through a few stages on that difficulty, so I had to load a much earlier save.

    When you eventually start Trauma difficulty, you should notice that there are
    NO souls to collect in this mode [so unequip any cards that deal with souls,
    because they're wasting space in this mode]. This means that you won't get
    their little health boosts and you also can't morph into a demon. Also there
    is NO quicksave on Trauma difficulty, you can only use the checkpoints for your
    saves. However this difficulty is only as long as the first four chapters, so
    it's a little bit easier because of that.


    In every level of the game there is a chance to earn a black tarot card by
    meeting certain extra objectives. These cards can then be equipped [or placed
    as the game calls it] in any stage that you play to make things easier for you.

    The cards come in either silver or gold and the colour is pretty important,
    although for once silver is better than gold. Gold cards that are equipped
    must be activated by pressing 'E' and they only last for a brief period. You
    can use your gold card set once per stage [unless you find better cards that
    change that]. Silver cards on the other hand are always active, so you pretty
    much equip and forget about them.

    However you can't just equip cards that you have collected, you need to make
    sure that you have enough money to do so. For this reason you want to smash as
    many objects as possible, so that you find lots of gold and are able to use
    your well-earned cards.

    Whenever you remove a card that you have placed you receive half the money back
    that you spent to place it originally. A list of which cards are in which
    stages appears below.

    1-1 - Endurance [Attacks do 50% damage.]
    1-2 - Haste [Game moves 2X slower.]
    1-3 - Soul Keeper [Souls take longer to disappear.]
    1-4 - Time Bonus [Gold cards last 10 seconds longer.]
    1-5 - Blessing [Start each level with 150 health.]

    2-1 - Replenish [Each ammo box gives you double ammo when collected.]
    2-2 - Speed [Your character moves faster.]
    2-3 - Fury [Your attacks do 200% damage]
    2-4 - Dark Soul [After 50 souls you morph into a demon.]
    2-5 - Double Haste [Game moves 4X slower.]
    2-6 - Dexterity [Your weapons fire at double speed.]

    3-1 - Soul Catcher [Souls fly to you as you get close to them.]
    3-2 - Forgiveness [Use your gold card set twice per level.]
    3-3 - Greed [Gold gives you twice the normal amount.]
    3-4 - Iron Will [Invincible, including long falls.]

    4-1 - Rage [Your attacks do 400% damage.]
    4-2 - Vitality [Your max health is raised from 100 to 150.]
    4-3 - Double Time Bonus [Gold cards last 20 seconds longer.]
    4-4 - Divine Intervention [Place cards for free.]
    4-5 - Triple Haste [Game moves 8X slower.]

    5-1 - Last Breath [If you die, you are reborn with 33 health.]
    5-2 - Confusion [Enemies fight among themselves.]
    5-3 - Soul Redeemer [Get twice the normal amount of health from souls.]
    5-4 - Mercy [Use your gold card set thrice per level.]

    (J) CHEATS

    The following cheats are entered at the console [press ~], but they ONLY work
    on Daydream and Insomnia difficulty.

    PKGOD - Turns god mode on/off.
    PKAMMO - Refill your ammo.
    PKPOWER - Refill your ammo and health.
    PKWEAPONS - Gives you all weapons.
    PKDEMON - Turns on Demon Morph [still lasts just as long as usual], use again
    to turn it off early.
    PKHASTE - Slows down everything a LOT, for a brief period.

    PKGOLD - Gives you lots and lots of gold.

    SHOWFPS 1 - Displays the frames per second, use a 0 instead of 1 to turn it
    PKKEEPBODIES - Bodies stay forever, unless you use the code again.
    PKKEEPDECALS - Decals [broken objects] stay forever, unless you use the code
    PKALWAYSGIB - Enemies always fly apart into many bloody pieces, despite how
    they die.
    PKWEAPONMODIFIER - Switches the same upgrade effect of the skull mask on/off.

    (K) THANKS

    Huge thanks go out to the following contributors.

    Alastro, atari009, Barfhappy, Derick Blair, equalizer, grooby, HowBoutNo, Huda,
    Mark Young, Oblivion, Painkiller Hell, Ray Brindley, p0tatz, Ruhab.


    For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom
    here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had
    the same idea.

    I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to
    send money, so it's here for those people.

    For the record I've received about $20 [which works out to a bit more in
    Canadian lol] last I checked, so I got a few cases of pop and made some
    excellent progress on a few FAQs.

    If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's always
    nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for

    My email address is fecalord [AT] gmail [DOT] com, and the paypal address is
    listed below.

    For those that want to contribute, you can use paypal at the following address:

    fecalord2002 [AT] yahoo [DOT] ca

    Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work!


    Submitted by fecalord2002 - Created 7/12/04 (Last Modified 7/27/04)
    See All Painkiller Walkthroughs and FAQs

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Smerillian -- 24 Kasım 2005, 20:33:39 >

  • makale cok yonlu bir iskence aracidir. uygulanmasi bir kac basamaga tabidir. bu basamaklari gelin, beraberce inceleyelim...

    1. makale yazmaya karar vermek: cogu zaman kisinin tercihine birakilmasa da bazi okullarda iskencenin bir parcasi haline getirildigi gozlemlenmistir. olay soyle gelisir. ogrenciye once ne ile degerlendirilmeyi tercih ettigi sorulur. alternatifler genelde okkali bir prezentasyon ile ufagindan derhal teslimedilesi bir makale, yahut okkali prezentasyon ve daha da okkali bir sozlu sinav yahut da tee donem sonunda teslim edilebilecek uzunundan makaledir. her tembel ogrenci, gec olsun bizim olsun mantigiyla bok varmis gibi bu son sikki secer. bunlardan kasar olanlari daha once de ayni halti yedikleri icin ayni dakkada bir karin agrisina tutulurlar.. nitekim baslarina gelecekleri bilmektedirler.. ancak bu bilgi, tipki kisinin olecegini bildigi halde yasamak icin kicini yirtmasi gibi, asla karar verme mekanizmalari tarafindan kaale alinmaz. uzun makale secilir.. kisa donemde kizlarla (yahut oglanlarla, tercihe bagli) gezip tozulur, uzun donemde got korkusuyla uyku nedir unutulur. (bkz: karinca ile agustos bocegi)

    2. makale konusuna karar vermek: bu adim cok incelikli, diplomatik ayak oyunlariyla dikkatlice gecilmelidir. zira bu adimdaki basari sonraki adimlardaki iskencenin miktariyla yakindan iliskilidir. iskenceciyle yakin temasa girilmesi, konunun hassasiyetini bin kat daha arttirmaktadir. kasar tembeller, bu noktada ikiye ayrilirlar; uyaniklar ve aymazlar. bu ayrim, tembelin cevre kosullariyla uyum duzeyine gore yapilir. ornegin, eger makaleler hoca tarafindan hazirlanmis bir listeden seciliyorsa, uyaniklar o teneffus sigaralarindan feragat edip disari cikmaz, inek kiz ogrencileri ayaklarina basaraktan diskalifiye edip kagittaki en kolay gozuken (gozuken diyorum cunku genelde tembeller ders hakkinda hic bi sey bilmeden aldiklari icin konularin da hangisi kolay hangisi zor bilemezler) konunun karsisina isimlerini ciziktiriverirler. hatta bunlarin pek bi uyanik olanlari emin olamadiklari noktada, bir kac konunun karsisina atmasyon isimler yazip sonra, lutfederek, neymis ne degilmis sorusturmasina gore nihai kararlarini verirler. aymaz tembeller ise, uyanik arkadaslarinin yaptiklarini yapmak zorunda olduklarini bile bile o sigara denen illeti bahane gosterip hemen olay mahalinden kacarlar. ve fakat o bilgi iskencelerinin bir parcasi olan vicdan azabini beraberinde getirir. icilen sigaradan bi bok anlanmaz. genelde tumuyle bitmeden aceleyle sinifa donulur fakat heyhat! dersin butun kolay konulari kapilmis, butun gruplar kurulmus, ve sinifin butun inekleri bifiil uyanik tembellerce hapsedilmistir. artan karin agrisiyla kalan konulardan rastgele bir tanesine isim yazilir, umutsuzluk icinde sinif ve hatta okul terkedilerek bi kahveye bric oynamaya gidilir.

    3. makale iceriginin netlesmesi: konu secimi hersey demek degildir. hocalar butun sevimlilikleriyle kapilarinin makaleleri hakkinda konusmak isteyenlere acik oldugunu duyururlar. uyanik tembeller en az bir kere mutlaka hocaya gidip daha once de geldiklerini ama kendilerini yakalayamadiklarini (yalan), konulari hakkinda cok cesitli fikirleri oldugunu (yalan) ve de bu cesitlilikte bogulduklari icin bir turlu olaya girisemediklerini (o da yalan) soylerler. hocanin konularini kendilerine ozetleyip verdikleri tavsiyeleri not edip derhal noral yasantilarina donmelerine ragmen, uyaniklar aymazlardan yine bir adim ondedirler. nitekim aymazlar buyuk bir ihtimalle hocalarinin anonsunu duymamislardir bile. bu zavalli ruhlar kendi ozetlerini kendileri cikarmak zorundadirlar.

    4. on makale sunumu: yine herkes tarafindan olmasa da buyuk bir hoca kitlesi tarafindan zorunlu tutulan bu iskence, her turlu tembeli makalelerine dogru bir adim atmalarini mecburi kilar. uyaniklar bu asamada hocadan duyduklarini bir kagida giris, gelisme, sonuc basliklari altinda, genellikle kursun kalemle, yazip vererek sifir alirlarken; aymazlar onceki gece internetten devsirdikleri cumleleri anlam butunlugu aramaksizin ve de giris gelisme diye ayirmaksizin copy-paste yaparak sifiri yerler. bu asamada uyaniklarla aymazlarin ayni seviyeye dusmus olmalari uyanik tembelleri aymaz olmaya dogru itmektedir. ve de bu durum, maalesef, egitim sistemimizin kanayan bir yarasidir. olay aksami hep beraber bir bara gidilip dagitilir, yaralar birlik beraberlik duygusu icinde sarillmaya calisilir.

    5. ve kacinilmaz son; makale teslimi:
    (a) bu asama tembelin hayatina teslim tarihinden en gec 2 hafta oncesinde girer. ancak, adi ustunde, tembel; yazim asamasina son 3 gunden once kesinlikle gecemez. aradaki sure genellikle, dis hayatla baglarin kesilip eve kapanma sendromunun yasandigi donemdir. bu donemde tembel, arkadaslarinin butun tekliflerini ' abi ders calismam lazim walla' diyerek geri cevirir ancak gercekte tek yapilan bilgisayar basinda oturup internette surf yapmak, yahut heroes'un nasil olduysa birdenbire karsilarina cikan yeni haritalarini test etmek, olmadi en basitinden mayin tarlasi rekorlarini kirmaya and icmektir. tembel kisi kendisine; yemeyerek, icmeyerek, cok gerekmedikce sicmayarak, maximum duzeyde sigara ve kahve icerek sagligini pic ederek iskence eder. uyumaz, bilgisayar basinda sabahlar ancak yazarak degil mal mal oturarak. hemen hemen butun tembeller bu asamada bile ne hakkinda yazacaklarini kesin olarak bilmezler. gidip hocaya danismak icin de cok gectir. onlar tembeldiler belki, evet, ama gururludurlar. hocadan siktir yemek kimse icin kolay bir sey degildir. o yuzden son zamana kadar aci gercek ertelenir. biliyormus gibi yapilir. hatta arada konunun anahtar kelimeleri google'da aranir... acilan pencereler aceleyle kapatilip yeni bir sigara yakilir, yarim kalan oyuna devam edilir. ailelerinden uzak yasayan tembeller bu asamada telefonlarini nerelerine sokacaklarini sasirirlar. nitekim anne-babaya her defasinda yariladim anne, son rotuslar baba demek adama koymaktadir. beraber yasayan tembeller ise sadece cok calisiyorum moralim bozuk ayaklariyla pacayi kurtarmakta daha sanslidirlar.

    (b) son uc gun, tembellerin uyanma donemleridir. gerisayimin ilk gununde tembel, 3-5 saatlik uykusundan got korkusuyla uyanir. 'abi boku yedik! ciddi ciddi geldi vakit' fosurdamasiyla bilgisayar basina kosar. mailerini bile kontrol etmeden google olayina girer. butun gununu ve de gecesini konu hakkinda buldugu herseyi bilgisayarina kaydetmekle gecirir. ancak bunlardan anlamli bir butunu nasil olusturacagi hakkinda bir bilgisi henuz yoktur. ikinci gun bos bir word sayfasi acilir. kaydedilenler tek tek acilip okunmaya calisilir, ise yarar gibi gorunenler kesilip worde yapistirilir. bu arada tembel yavas yavas konuya sempati duymaya baslar. 'ah be! zamanim olsa neler yazarim ben bunun ustune var ya!' nidalari zikredilmektedir. hatta olay 'dur ben bunu hocayla bi konisiim..belki yayinlanir bile be!' demeye kadar varabilir. ancak simdi vakit yoktur. tembel bunu bilmekte ve de cok aci cekmektedir. cunku altina imzasini atacagi sey ossuruktan bi devsirmeden oteye gidemeyecektir. tembelse kapasitesinin bu olmadigini bilmekte ve de sansinin icine etmekteki basarisini gozlemlemektedir. bu dayanilmaz vicdan azabi tembelde kendinden nefret etmeye kadar varabilir. tembel anne-babalari bu durumdan haberdar olmali ve onlem almalidirlar.
    son gun tembel artik iyice yorulmustur. her gozleri kapanmasin diye kendini cimciklediginde aklina heroes oynayarak yada porno seyrederek gecirdigi zamanlar gelmektedir. bir daha yaparsam allah belami versin yakarislari, kendinden nefret etme egilimini guclendirmektedir. tembel, bilgisayarin saatine her goz attiginda 1 saatin daha geride kalmis olmasina inanamakta, deparlardan deparlara kosmaktadir. ancak olmamakta, olamamaktadir iste... sonunda tembel uykuya yenik dusecektir.

    teslim gunu sabahi gozler acildiginda tembel kalbinin agzinda carptigini hissedecektir. bugun o gundur. yarin yoktur. saat 7 yoktur. bugun saat 6ya kadardir. hemen sahip olunan saat hesaplanir. okula gidis suresi ve ne olur ne olmaz diye eklenen 10 dakika, bir de tuvalete ve sigara icmeye gerekecek ortalama sure kalan saatten cikarilarak net zaman hesaplanir. bu zaman kalan islere paylastirilarak nefes almaksizin calismaya koyulunur. o zamana kadar internetten indirilen makalelerden paraphrase edilen cumleler artik dogrudan copy-paste kurbani olmaya baslarlar. tembel kendisine bir ana makale secip onu mumkun oldugunca izleyerek anlam butunlugune ulasmaya calisir. bu makale asla yanlislikla kaynaklar listesine konmamalidir. hesaplanan net zamanin son yarimsaatinde, eklenen ne olur ne olmaz 10 dakikasi daha ne olacak amina koyiim diyerek goz ardi edilir. son saniyeye kadar kullanilan zaman artik ne getirdiyse bir taksi cagirilir, okula son saniyede varilir, odev sekretere yalakalik yapilarak kabul ettirilir...

    iste bitmistir. yani en azindan odev teslim edilmistir. peki iskence bitmis midir? tembele gore degisir. bazi tembeller- ki biz bunlara koy gotuneci diyoruz- odev verildigi anda kendi iskencelerine notlar aciklanincaya kadar ara verirler. digerleri- ki tip dilinde isimleri ne emmeye ne gommeye gelmeyenlerdir- kendilerine haksizlik yapildigini iddia ederek yeni sans arayislarina girebilir yahut karin agrilarini vicdan azaplariyla ozdeslestirip kendilerine ceza olsun diye ossurmamayi secebilirler.
    gelin gorun ki notlar aciklandiginda iki tur tembel de sinifta kalacak ve de ayni muameleyi gorecektir...

    iste makale iskencesi magdurlarinin acikli oykusu sayin seyirciler.. bir dahaki programimizda master tezi yazim asamalarina tanik olacagiz. eger bugunki programimizdan sapikca bir zevk aldiysaniz, gelecek programimizi da kacirmamanizi tavsiye ederiz! saglicakla kalin...

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    Painkiller Walkthrough Boards Guide FAQs Cheats

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    This document Copyright 2004 Daniel Engel

    Painkiller FAQ
    July 24, 2004
    Daniel (FecalLord) Engel
    fecalord [AT] gmail [DOT] com
    ICQ: 9722762


    Table of Contents

    (A) This Table of Contents
    (B) Introduction
    (C) System Requirements
    (D) Controls
    (E) Weapons
    (F) Items
    (G) Tips
    (H) Walkthrough
    - (H-01) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 01 - CEMETERY
    - (H-03) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 03 - CATACOMBS
    - (H-04) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 04 - CATHEDRAL
    - (H-05) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 05 - ENCLAVE

    - (H-06) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 01 - PRISON
    - (H-07) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 02 - OPERA HOUSE
    - (H-08) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 03 - ASYLUM
    - (H-09) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 04 - SNOWY BRIDGE
    - (H-10) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 05 - TOWN
    - (H-11) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 06 - SWAMP

    - (H-12) CHAPTER 03 - LEVEL 01 - TRAIN STATION
    - (H-14) CHAPTER 03 - LEVEL 03 - MILITARY BASE
    - (H-15) CHAPTER 03 - LEVEL 04 - RUINS

    - (H-16) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 01 - CASTLE
    - (H-17) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 02 - THE PALACE
    - (H-18) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 03 - BABEL
    - (H-19) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 04 - FOREST
    - (H-20) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 05 - THE TOWER

    - (H-21) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 01 - CITY ON WATER
    - (H-22) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 02 - DOCKS
    - (H-23) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 03 - OLD MONASTERY
    - (H-24) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 04 - HELL

    - (H-25) ENDING 2
    (I) Black Tarot Cards
    (J) Cheats
    (K) Thanks
    (L) Experimental


    Painkiller is a modern first-person shooter that many people have likened to
    the classic Doom series of games [which are finally being updated later this
    year with Doom 3].

    The game has you fighting hordes of enemies with a pile of weapons and not a
    whole lot of thinking. It's mainly fast-paced, twitchy action with few puzzle

    Your character can collect the souls of his defeated foes, and once he collects
    a certain amount of them he temporarily morphs into a demon. During this time
    all enemies burn with bright flames and become incredibly easy to see. This
    allows you to quickly hunt them down and dispatch them with your deadly shots,
    until the effect wears off and you're back to your own weapons.

    The physics in the game are very cool to witness as well, because when you
    blast an enemy at close range with a shotgun he will go FLYING. If you're
    really close to him when you do it, he'll become a disgusting pile of mush.

    The enemies aren't the only thing in the game with such physics though, many of
    the background objects react to each other, to you or enemies moving/attacking
    them and to explosions around them. It's really something when you see your
    first chain reaction of background objects colliding/exploding into one

    As an interesting aside, DreamCatcher Games [one of the companies behind
    Painkiller] is based in Toronto, Ontario. Which means they're locals!
    For me anyway ;)

    I hope you enjoy the game, because I sure do.


    Since system requirements are a big deal with a lot of people for this game,
    here they are from the game's readme file.


    OS: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP

    CPU: 1.5 GHz Pentium III or Amd Athlon processor

    RAM: 384 MB

    CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: 8X speed

    Hard Drive Space: 1.2 GB available

    Video: 64 MB DirectX 8.1 card with hardware
    Transform & Lighting support (NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS or better)

    Sound: DirectX 8.1b or better compatible

    Input: Keyboard and mouse


    OS: Windows XP

    CPU: 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor

    RAM: 512 MB

    CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: 8X speed

    Hard Drive Space: 1.2 GB available

    Video: 128 MB DirectX 9 card, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 or better

    Sound: DirectX 8.1b or better compatible

    Input: Keyboard and mouse

    It's also worth noting, that during the install I was told that my system
    doesn't support 640x480 and 24 million colours. I went ahead with the install
    though and everything worked fine.

    If you find that the game is performing poorly on your system then try lowering
    the resolution or any of the graphics effects. It may look a little plain but
    if it helps you play the game smoother it's worth it.


    The default controls for this game are as follows:

    W/S/A/D - Move your character forward/back and strafe left/right.
    Space - Jump.

    Left-Click - Primary fire.
    Right-Click - Secondary fire.

    E - Use golden cards.
    Tab - Check your score for the current stage, also shows your objective for
    getting the tarot card.

    Mousewheel - Change weapons.

    F5 - Quicksave.
    F9 - Quickload.

    1-5 - Select weapon.
    L - Light [Doesn't work on all video cards, like mine].
    P - Pause.
    F12 - Screenshot.


    Pain Killer

    You begin the game with this staff and it has two functions.

    The primary function has the end opening up into a series of blades that spin
    around wildly. You can then run at enemies to cut them good or you can
    right-click to launch the blades at your target.

    The secondary function launches a glowing orb forward that attaches to whatever
    it hits. Hitting the button again returns the orb to your staff.


    This weapon is most effective at closer distances, where it deals some good

    Its secondary attack is the freezer, which basically slows the enemy down until
    they stop moving after they get hit with a shot. You can then shoot them with
    anything to finish the job and shatter them into many pieces.


    This gun fires sharp wooden stakes with incredible force [and yet there's not a
    vampire to be found], but it takes a little more thought to use than most
    weapons. First of all the stakes are affected by gravity as they arc through
    the air, so you need to fire above an enemy if they're really far away from you
    to hit them successfully. This weapon also takes time to reload between EACH
    SHOT, so it's not that great for taking out large groups of enemies quickly.

    The secondary function of the weapon is a grenade launcher, simply launch a
    shot and keep your distance before it explodes a moment later.


    This gun's secondary function is a chaingun and it fires shots very quickly,
    and is great for picking off enemies from a distance or cutting through groups
    of enemies.

    The primary function of the gun is a rocket launcher, and this is also quite
    helpful for attacking distant targets, or taking out large groups by either
    firing into them or at their feet [even at a nearby wall].

    Electro Driver

    This gun fires Ninja stars very quickly as it's primary function and is pretty
    helpful for attacking enemies from a distance. The secondary function fires a
    stream of electricity that is more effective at closer distances.

    You can also use both functions at once [press both mouse buttons] to fire
    electrified ninja stars. These kill enemies quickly and they also zap any
    other enemies that get close to them for a brief period. Using this attack
    takes a lot of power though, so keep that in mind.

    (F) ITEMS


    Souls come in either green or red. The green ones are much more common and
    they refill one unit of health when collected. The red ones are much more
    rare, but they give you 6 units of health when collected. You also morph into
    a demon for a brief period of time once you've collected 66 souls. If you are
    using tarot cards though you can lower that number, to make things easier.


    Health comes in two colours and looks very similar to souls. The yellow health
    refills 25 units of health [up to a maximum of 100], while the red/green health
    refills 100 units [up to a maximum of 300?].


    The ammo for all the guns and each of their functions comes in many shapes and
    sizes, but you'll quickly learn to recognize them. There is also a REALLY
    large ammo box that gives you ammo for all weapons/functions when picked up.


    Gold comes out of just about any object that can be smashed, and it is used to
    place [equip] tarot cards.

    Holy Items

    These golden items give you 100 gold when you collect them, so they're well
    worth finding.

    Skull Masks

    These masks upgrade your weapons for a brief period, and they also add a red
    glow to your vision during this time. Shotgun shots have no spread to them,
    your stakes fly perfectly straight and flaming ninja stars are a few of the

    Glowing Stars

    These are merely plot items that you need to collect in order to finish one of
    the final stages, otherwise they do nothing.

    (G) TIPS

    Be sure to download the latest patches [V1.3.1 as of this writing] for the game
    at the official website.http://www.painkillergame.com

    Check out the Painkiller Forums if you find yourself in a tight spot that I
    haven't covered yet, they're VERY active.


    A great resource for finding secrets is Painkiller Hell, they have screenshots
    and even videos of how to get all of the secrets in the game.


    The checkpoints in the Daydream and Insomnia difficulties fully restore your
    health when you reach them.

    USE THE ARROW at the top of the screen because it always points to either an
    enemy or the next checkpoint [it glows red for checkpoints], unless there
    aren't any of either in the area.

    Smash everything you see, because you never know what you'll find inside.

    Your ammo DOESN'T carry over for each stage so don't be afraid to save the
    heavy stuff for later.

    Holy items are worth 100 gold, so they're well worth finding.

    Gold disappears if left for too long much like souls, so collect it ASAP when
    you see it.

    Collecting black tarot cards is NOT necessary to complete the game, but by
    making the extra effort to collect them you can make the game easier. They're
    especially helpful on the harder difficulties and if you want to see the TRUE
    ending to the game you'll want to collect all the cards.

    You morph into a demon at 66 souls unless you have a card that makes that
    number smaller, so try your best to morph into a demon when you have a lot of
    enemies to kill. Souls also restore health [red ones restore more than normal]
    when collected, so they're well worth picking up.

    If an enemy takes many hits to kill you can always use a stronger weapon, BUT
    you could also use the freezer to freeze them. Once frozen, a single shot from
    any weapon should shatter them.

    If you are having trouble beating a stage or getting a tarot card, you could
    try using the cheats. This should be a last resort though, because it really
    kills the fun of the game.

    If you're trying to get the tarot cards and/or see the real ending to the game,
    you'll find it much easier to get the tarot cards on the easier difficulties.

    However, you're only able to get 22 cards on the Daydream and Insomnia
    difficulties. When you play the Nightmare difficulty you can get the 23rd card
    from the Prison stage.

    Once you have these 23 cards you can play the game on Trauma difficulty. On
    this difficulty you can play the Forest stage to get the final card, then
    finish the game on this difficulty to see the real ending.

    Bricklayer J. Gastronomy

    You will find the walkthrough [which is based off of the Insomnia difficulty
    for all but the Prison and Forest stages] for the entire game in the sections
    below. You can only play the Prison stage on Nightmare difficulty or above and
    you can only play the Forest stage on Trauma difficulty.

    (H-01) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 01 - CEMETERY

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level
    - Gold: Endurance Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 01

    After the intro you can pass your cursor of over the name of the level to see
    the best scores, otherwise click the red jewel to start the level.

    Part 01

    Quickly head left at the start of the level to find 2 boxes of shotgun ammo and
    the shotgun. Now you can either use the painkiller or the shotgun [I say use
    the shotgun] on the group of 16 enemies here [I'll call these enemies
    soldiers]. Each time you kill an enemy you should notice a green light by
    their body, this is their soul and you want to collect it before it disappears.
    I find it helps to back up between a pair of tombs and let the enemies come to
    you, this way your back is covered and they can't attack you as easily.

    If you can't find the remaining enemies you should listen for their footsteps
    or simply follow the arrow at the top of the screen. Once the group is dead
    you will see your first checkpoint as a glowing red symbol on the ground.
    Follow your red arrow to reach it if you can't see it, then watch as it
    restores your health [on the lowest 2 difficulties] and saves your game.

    Part 02

    Enter the next section as you get locked inside, then kill about 15 enemies
    [some of which run at you]. Grab 3 boxes of shotgun ammo [1 on your left 2 on
    your right] and climb the stairs ahead of you. Get behind the lamp post on
    your right and face a small groove in the roof of the building ahead of you.
    Attack the lamp post to get it to fall between this groove, then rapidly jump
    up the lamp post to reach the roof. Collect the holy item from the secret
    area up here and drop down again.

    Enter the building for some armor, then kill the lone enemy to open the door
    that shut behind you. Exit the building and kill 6 more enemies [wait on top
    of the stairs if you wish] with your shotgun or by launching your orb, then
    head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Enter this section and kill the lone witch that can make you temporarily blind
    if she hits you. Collect the soul afterwards and head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Kill about 15 enemies here with your shotgun and collect 6 boxes of ammo,
    then take the health behind the building if you need it before you reach the
    nearby checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Quickly push the barrel out from under the building if you're trying to get
    all the secrets in this stage, then watch as the building collapses. Kill
    about 5 enemies here and collect the ammo if you need it, then head for
    the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Kill the lone witch here and 5 new enemies with red glowing eyes [I'll call
    them knights], then collect the ammo and head back to the barrel that you saved
    from the collapsing building. Push the barrel over to the building where you
    just fought the witch and knights, then roll the barrel to the back of the
    building. Try firing the orb of your painkiller at that wall of the building.
    If it bounces back at you instead of sticking, then you have the right spot.
    Attack the barrel to break that wall and grab the health from the secret area
    inside, then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Kill a group of about 12 soldiers and knights, while you collect the souls and
    ammo. You should notice some brief flashes as you collect souls here where the
    enemies look like flaming demons.

    Once you've collected enough souls you'll enter a brief mode where you become a
    demon and have an extremely powerful attack, while all enemies are on fire and
    easy to see. So try to kill as many enemies as possible when this happens, and
    keep collecting souls so it can happen more often.

    Smash whatever you can and collect any ammo if you need it, then head for a
    small building with flames inside it. Take the ammo box in here and go back
    outside, then look behind the building to find a barrel. Roll this barrel to
    the second segment in the right wall according to the diagram below.

    ------- B = Barrel.
    ----| X | H = House.
    H | X = Location to detonate barrel.
    ----| B| A = Hidden ammo (secret area).

    Attack the barrel from a distance once it's in the right location to break down
    the wall. Collect the ammo from the secret area beyond and follow the arrow to
    the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Kill about 8 knights and 5 soldiers here, then collect any ammo that you need.
    Enter the small building to the right of the large one for some armor and a
    secret area, then head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 09

    This area has about 15 knights and 20 soldiers to kill, so unless you keep
    moving you're likely to take some damage. You can use the health behind the
    building if you need it though. Once all are dead you can move on to the next
    checkpoint in front of the large building.

    Part 10

    Kill the witches and knights as you get a few shots on the big guy. The
    witches are the most annoying because they can make you blind so try to kill
    them as quickly as possible. Focus on the knights after the witches and
    finally shoot the boss until he's gone.

    Collect all the ammo after the fight and head for the white light to see your
    score and end the level.

    You unlock your first Black Tarot card by clearing level 01, so hopefully you
    found enough gold in the objects that you smashed to place it.


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Destroy all objects
    - Gold: Haste Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 01

    Part 01

    Destroy the chest ahead of you and grab the nearby box of ammo, then go past
    the barrels for some more ammo. Kill 3 monks here and head through the grey
    door on your left, then follow the passage down and kill 9 more monks before
    taking some more ammo.

    Go back up to the second floor of this room and take a running jump to the
    ledge on the other side of the room. Smash all chests here for some gold and
    the stakegun, then go down the stairs and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill 13 monks here and grab the armor from the small room on the left, then
    use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill 17 monks when you reach the ground floor and smash all the barrels from a
    distance to get gold and bring you closer to the tarot card goal. Smash 8
    chests through various doors around this lower floor for some more gold, then
    head for the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Kill 10 reapers and 46 monks here as you smash barrels for their gold, then
    collect the ammo by the door that you came in and some more in a small alcove
    to your left with more barrels and chests to smash. Head up the stairs [don't
    forget the holy item and secret area under the stairs] for more ammo and a
    couple more barrels to smash, then jump through the window at the end to reach
    some armor on the ledge to your right. Once you've done all of this you
    should be more than ready to use the checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Grab the ammo that's left of the door when you need it, otherwise kill the 58
    monks and 12 skeleton mages here. The skeleton mages can slow you down with
    their attacks, OR if you walk over their staff so try to avoid both. Smash any
    barrels you can see on the lower floor [including one behind the large statue],
    then climb the stairs and smash the rest of the barrels before using the next

    Part 06

    Kill the skeleton mages and reapers here as you take down the large skeleton.
    Once the level exit is open you can take it, or backtrack to smash any items
    you may have missed [if you're trying for the tarot card].

    Head back to the room where you jumped through a window for some armor. Go
    along that upper ledge and enter the door on your right when you come to it.
    This is one of the secret areas for this stage, so smash all the chests here
    and continue along the ledge to reach 2 more doors and 3 more chests to smash.

    Return to the ledge in the previous room now and follow it around some more [as
    if you were heading for the armor again], then head through another door on
    your right and smash both chests in this secret area.

    You should have destroyed all items now so head for the level exit in the boss
    room and use it to get your tarot card.

    (H-03) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 03 - CATACOMBS

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill all monsters
    - Silver: Soul Keeper Card [500 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 03

    Part 01

    Grab the shotgun and stakegun ammo behind you, then walk up to the large box
    by the rocks. Jump up the plank of wood that's leaning on the left side of the
    box to land on top of it, without tipping it over. Jump to the rock ledge next
    and go to the left end of it. Now jump against the wall to your left and
    hammer the jump button as fast as possible. When I first tried this I managed
    to keep myself jumping on the wall [without touching the ground] but I wasn't
    going any higher. You need to keep going left [while still jumping] until you
    finally hit the spot where you start climbing higher. This spot goes up a bit
    and banks right to lead you right into a tiny alcove. Grab the holy item from
    this secret area and drop down to the ground.

    Shoot the explosive wooden boxes from a distance, then enter the tunnel. Kill
    5 skeletons [some are behind you] as you work your way down, then use the
    nearby checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill 11 skeletons and 2 warriors in the next room, then smash the chests by the
    torches for some gold. Take the armor between the torches on your right, then
    get ready for a hard holy item/secret area [unless you don't want it].

    On the pillar to the right of the broken one there is a rope, so climb that
    rope to reach the top of that pillar. Now there are a series of vines that you
    need to jump across in order to reach the holy item and secret area.
    Unfortunately I haven't been able to jump off of the first vine, never mind
    reach the holy item.

    Drop to the ground and shoot some bombers up ahead, then grab the shotgun and
    stakegun ammo on either side of the opening as you dodge the shots of the

    Grab the stakegun up ahead and use it to kill the four ninjas around you, just
    remember that you need to worry about gravity. So if the enemy is really far
    away you'll need to aim above them, so the shot arcs properly and kills them.

    Carefully cross the bridge and kill the ninja beyond, then enter the passage on
    your right. Grab the ammo here and smash the chests for some gold, then kill a
    group of skeletons and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Make sure you save at least one box of TNT here, if you want to get the next
    holy item/secret.

    Kill the skeletons and ninjas up ahead, then smash all chests and coffins for
    gold. Enter the room where the ninjas came from and smash some chests and
    for more gold, then push one of the boxes of TNT to the checkpoint before using

    Part 04

    Push the box of TNT inside as you enter, otherwise you can't go back for it
    until you open the level exit.

    Kill a group of bombers and some warriors, then smash a chest and take both
    tunnels to smash some coffins. Collect as much ammo as you need and smash
    another chest here, then push the box of TNT down the right tunnel. Jump on
    the box and jump to one of the upper alcoves. The holy item/secret area is in
    the third [upper] alcove, on the left side of this tunnel. So you can either
    push the box to it and jump straight in, or you can work your way across from
    the upper level [jumping from alcove to alcove]. Either way you should use the
    next checkpoint once you have the holy item.

    Part 05

    Kill skeletons, warriors and bombers [some from behind] as you carefully cross
    the bridge ahead, then turn around and look under the bridge. That health is
    in a secret area, so hug the right wall as you drop down. Jump rapidly as you
    trace the wall around to the health, then jump back along the wall and jump
    repeatedly at the spot where you fell down [just left of the bridge] to get
    back out.

    Go down the stairs ahead of you for some ammo before taking the high road.
    Quickly kill the skeleton that pops up behind you, then shoot some more
    skeletons and some bombers up ahead. Take the right path up ahead as you smash
    a chest and kill some more enemies, then take the left path at the bottom.
    Take the stakes here and smash the chest, then use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Take the right path and kill a pair of skeletons, then smash a few chests and
    take the armor. Go back to the fork and take the left path to reach the next

    Part 07

    Smash the chests on both sides of the room for some gold, then take the ammo
    and follow the passage to the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Smash the crates and kill a LARGE group of bombers, warriors, skeletons and
    even the odd ninja. Head down to the next floor and kill a few ninjas up ahead
    with your stakegun, then go down to the floor below. Enter the large area up
    ahead and kill any remaining ninjas with the stakegun, then check your score
    with TAB. You should have killed all enemies except for one if you're trying
    for the tarot card, otherwise don't worry about it. Smash the crates here and
    use the checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Grab some ammo on the right of the pillar up ahead, then enter the boss room.

    For this boss you can't beat him by shooting him directly. Instead you should
    fire at the planks of wood in the middle of the star in the ceiling. Walk
    across the ledge over the middle of the pit of fire, then wait until the boss
    is very close to you before you take a running jump to the ladder on your left.
    Climb up the ladder as the boss falls in, otherwise repeat the process if you
    jumped to early. Once the boss is dead you can walk across the middle ledge
    once more and jump to the level exit.

    (H-04) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 04 - CATHEDRAL

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find at least 500 gold.
    - Gold: Time Bonus Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 03
    Holy Items: 01

    I recommend spending 500 gold to place the Soul Keeper card, if you unlocked it
    in the previous stage. Also if you're trying to get the tarot card for this
    stage you'll want to go for the last secret area AFTER you reveal the level
    exit. Otherwise destroy all barrels, urns, coffins and anything else you can
    to find gold.

    Part 01

    Smash the barrels and the coffins to your right as you collect the gold, then
    kill 19 monks and use the checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 02

    Kill 10 monks and smash all urns and barrels for some gold, then collect the
    armor on your left and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Shoot the barrels that fall down the stairs and the monks that appear, then
    grab the stakegun and climb to the top of the stairs. Kill a group of skeleton
    mages and monks, then shoot the barrels for some gold. Grab some ammo by the
    pillars and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Smash 4 urns in the darkness ahead for lots of gold, then take the ammo nearby
    and enter the next open area.

    Attack the reapers and monks here as you shoot the big guy. He'll shake the
    room every so often which causes rocks to fall from above, but they hurt him if
    they hit him. Otherwise watch for him to pick up any rocks because they're
    going to be flying at you in a sec.

    Once this guy is dead you can scour the room for barrels and ammo, then use the
    checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 05

    Kill some skeleton mages and monks before collecting the ammo around the room,
    then find some more under the stairs [along with some health] before climbing
    them. Kill some monks up here and follow the right path, then smash some urns
    and barrels for some gold and some more health a little farther along this

    Shoot the monks through the opening to your right and smash some urns on your
    left, then go right and shoot some more objects for more gold [leave the brown
    coffin alone though]. Jump repeatedly to get on top of that coffin, then look
    down at it and fire the orb of your painkiller as you jump to get launched real
    high. The timing for this type of jump is pretty tricky and I haven't yet
    figured out a way to do it when I want to, so you'll likely need to use
    quicksaves a lot. Once you're finally up to the secret area you can grab the
    ammo and holy item.

    Drop to the ground below and smash all the urns and objects along the wall here
    for a lot of gold, then go back up the stairs. Head left along the ledge this
    time to reach the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Shoot the group of reapers, skeleton mages and monks, then grab all the ammo
    that you can find. Drop to the ground and kill the rest of the monks, then
    smash all the barrels and use the checkpoint that's down the stairs.

    Part 07

    Kill the reapers and other enemies down here, then take the level exit up

    If you want another secret though [or some more gold] you can go back up the
    stairs and go to the large window on your right. Climb the ladder to the right
    of this window and backtrack to the room where you fought the giant, then go
    left along the ledge until you see some health. Grab it if you need it and go
    through the large door to reach a secret area. Smash all the urns in here for
    more gold, then follow the arrow to the level exit.

    (H-05) CHAPTER 01 - LEVEL 05 - ENCLAVE

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Necrogiant in less than 02:00.
    - Silver: Blessing Card [200 gold to place]

    It's pretty much impossible to get the tarot card for this stage on your first
    trip here, but if you return later once you have some better cards from other
    stages you should have a much easier time.

    Boss: Necrogiant

    Right when this battle starts you want to rush and grab the armor ahead of you.

    There are two main parts to this battle, then first part lasts until you drain
    half of the boss's health. You can see how much health the boss has by
    checking the red circle at the top of the screen.

    Basically you have two options for weapons, you can either use the stakes from
    a distance to do some damage. The problem with this is that the stake gun
    fires really slowly, also the shots arc so you can't be too far away.

    If you use the shotgun however it's not much different as you still need to be
    fairly close to do any damage to the boss. The shotgun has the advantage
    because there's lots of shotgun ammo around the stage, also it fires much

    Regardless of which weapon you use you should watch the boss's health as you
    fire, if it doesn't go down at all you're too far away and need to attack from
    a little closer.

    Part 01

    The boss has four attacks for this first part, one from close range, two from
    medium range and one from long range. The long range attack involves the boss
    sticking one hand in the ground and causing spikes to burst from the ground
    under you. You can best dodge this attack if you KEEP MOVING, as long as you
    don't stand still you shouldn't get hit.

    The first of the medium range attacks is an overhead smash that the boss
    performs with one of his hands. When you see this coming you want to
    immediately turn around and start jumping repeatedly as you run away.

    Similar to the smash is a slap attack where the boss swings his arm across at
    you. You'll see this one coming much like the smash and the tactic is the
    same, run away and jump as fast and early as possible.

    If you manage to get really close to the boss then you have another attack to
    worry about, that is simply him stepping on you. Personally I find this attack
    is easier to dodge than most of the others and it leaves you in perfect range
    to deal some damage of your own.

    The boss will also pound the ground to call some small enemies to annoy you.
    These guys then chase you until you kill them, so try to get rid of them ASAP.

    That's it for attacks and weapon choice, but it's also worth noting that
    there's a large stone area near the middle of this level that has LOTS of ammo
    and some health. Definitely come here if you're in need of either item, then
    go back to the fight.

    Personally I found it worked best to get in VERY close to the boss, because it
    meant I was too close for him to easily slap or smash me. Constantly fire up
    at the boss as you chase him or run under him, BUT make sure you watch where
    his feet are going so that you don't touch them.

    Once you've drained half of the boss's health the second part of the battle

    Part 02

    The boss's chains get broken as he pounds the ground with both fists at this
    point, then he has a few new tricks up his sleeve.

    One of his two new attacks involves him raining meteors from above if you get
    to close. The other has him creating tornados that can spin you high into the
    air where you'll suffer more damage if caught in one.

    This is a perfect time to break out the stakegun and rain stakes from a
    relatively safe distance, then resort to the shotgun once you're out of stakes.
    Pretty much use the same strategy as you did for part 01, but if you see a
    meteor or hear a tornado RUN LIKE HELL! I didn't bother with the stakes and
    was able to go straight to the shotgun to finish the job, but use whatever
    method works for you.

    Watch the cutscene after the battle and get ready to start the next chapter.

    (H-06) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 01 - PRISON

    This stage is not available on Insomnia difficulty, it's only available on
    Nightmare difficulty or above.

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level using only non-explosive weapons.
    - Silver: Replenish Card [500 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 03

    If you're trying to get the tarot card here, just make sure you don't use the
    grenade launcher or rocket launcher.

    Part 01

    Kill a small group of enemies that fall from above, then shoot the barrels
    under the yellow barrier. Attack the only Fan that's not spinning [by the
    garage door] to bring it to the ground, then use the blades of the painkiller
    to push a large blue box over here. Move the fan in front of the vent that it
    fell off of, then push the large blue box on top of the fan. Push a small blue
    box beside this stack, then jump on top of it and into the vents.

    Follow the vents and go right to find a holy item and secret area, then exit
    the vents and drop to the floor. Push a small box over to this barrier and
    jump on it, then walk left to some larger boxes. Jump and grab the armor on
    one, then go through the door ahead. Kill another small group of enemies, then
    take the ammo and head through the double doors.

    Just push the doors open enough to trigger the next group of enemies, then let
    some of them come to you in the small room as you thin out their ranks. Enter
    the larger room and grab ammo under the staircases, then either use the stairs
    in the back right corner or go up the slanted walkway. Follow this upper
    passage around for some more ammo and some armor, then drop down and use the

    Part 02

    Kill a few enemies and grab the gun up ahead, then use the stairs on your right
    and kill a few more enemies. Take the ammo and health on your left [shoot a
    turret through the window by the health if you can see it], then go back down
    the stairs and enter the area ahead. Hug the left wall as you approach the
    alcove, which has a DEADLY turret inside it. Turn right and shoot the enemy
    behind the bars, then save your game and very carefully strafe right a little.
    Shoot the turret [if you didn't shoot it earlier] before you move too far and
    it shoot you, then use the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Shoot the enemies in the next section [try the upper floor and the stairs for
    more cover], then grab the ammo up both staircases and enter the larger area
    with the drums and tanks. Look for the open manhole and climb down the ladder
    inside, then kill the enemies at the bottom. Grab the ammo from the secret
    area and climb back up the ladder, then follow the arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Shoot a number of enemies high and low here as you collect ammo and health in
    the small rooms and cells to your left. Climb the stairs and shoot out some of
    the glass on your right, then shoot one of the barrels beyond to start a nice
    chain reaction. Once the dust settles you should snipe as many enemies as you
    can from here [and shoot the pair of turrets in front of you, they're hard to
    see but it'll make things a lot easier for you], then go along the walkway to
    the right side of the windows.

    Jump through them here and hide among the boxes, then kill the enemies as they
    come to you one by one. Work your way through the boxes to find a few more
    enemies and a small pile of ammo and armor. Watch out for the pair of turrets
    at the far end of this area [if you didn't destroy them earlier] as you move
    through the boxes, then run back to the previous room and head for the

    Part 05

    Run for the left corner as you shoot enemies on both sides of you, then go past
    the flipped table to find some ammo and health in a pair of open rooms ahead.
    Go back to your corner and head through the door beside it, then approach the
    next door as a woman screams. Kill the enemies beyond this door and grab the
    ammo down the stairs, then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Head down the stairs as you shoot some enemies, then enter the room to your
    right to avoid the electricity from the guy in the chair. Kill the enemies
    here and go through the next door, then turn left and shoot the turret on the
    wall. Continue shooting the remaining enemies until you find a switch on the
    wall, then walk into it to turn off the electric chair. Go kill the enemy that
    was in the chair, then use the level exit.

    Unless of course you want to get two more secrets, and holy items. Climb back
    up the stairs and enter the small room up ahead on your left, then grab the
    holy item from the secret area there. Go back to the large room with all the
    windows and the cells, then go along the second floor and climb up the
    staircase to the third floor. Head right and enter the cell with the holy item
    to find the last secret area, then go back and use the level exit.

    (H-07) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 02 - OPERA HOUSE

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Collect at least 100 souls.
    - Gold: Speed Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 02

    If you're trying to get the tarot card for this stage you'll find it a little
    easier to get if you place the soul keeper card. Since this way the souls stay
    on-screen a little longer than normal. Otherwise there's 151 potential souls
    for you to collect and you only need 100 of them.

    Part 01

    Push a garbage can and jump from it to reach the gun on the green dumpster,
    then push two garbage cans by the left end of the fence. Stack on can over the
    other as best as you can with the blades of the painkiller [saves you wasting
    ammo], then jump onto this stack from the dumpster and jump over the fence from
    there. Drop down to the ground and grab the holy item behind the dumpster in
    this secret area, then use the garbage can to get back on the dumpster.

    Jump back over the fence and attack the right lid on the red dumpster to reveal
    a passage. Kill four ninjas inside the passage and grab some armor at the end,
    then smash the crates for some gold and use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Climb the ladder and kill more ninjas as you climb the fire escape [drop down
    for some of the souls if you're trying for the tarot card], then get the
    shotgun ammo behind you when you reach the top. Cross the left catwalk for
    some ammo and kill more ninjas on the other side, then head for the nearby fire
    escape and let the ninjas come to you.

    Kill them all and head down the fire escape, then kill a pair of ninjas at the
    bottom. Take the health and ammo behind the large object and climb back up to
    the top of the fire escape, then jump on to the railing on your left. Jump
    towards the large object on the ground and land inside it for a secret area and
    some ammo, then follow the arrow to the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Push the "wet-floor" sign back against the stage and jump off of it to get on
    the stage, then climb the stairs here for some ammo and a secret area.

    Return to the last checkpoint and enter the room beyond, then kill a large
    group of ninjas and samurai there as you carefully collect the souls. Kill the
    crabs and crawlers as they burst out of boxes and fall from above, then smash
    all boxes for gold [including the stack of boxes by the scaffolding] as you
    collect any ammo and health in the room. Climb the scaffolding next for some
    ammo before you follow the arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Take the ammo on your left and shoot the ninjas as you climb the stairs, then
    use the checkpoint at the top.

    Part 05

    Collect ammo from the alcoves as you ignore the checkpoint, then go left down a
    ramp. Collect the health and armor at the bottom before returning to the

    Part 06

    Kill ninjas and samurai as you collect some ammo to your right, then follow the
    path to the ground floor. Quickly rush up the stairs as a group of samurai
    appears, then use your shotgun to take them out [usually some get stuck to the
    right of the stairs which makes your job easier]. Collect the ammo around the
    room, then return to the top floor if you want to get a holy item.

    Find a corner and jump onto the small waist-high barrier, then jump out onto
    the narrow gold trim that lines each arch. Specifically the one in the corner,
    then jump continuously in that corner [while facing it and holding forward] to
    get onto the ledge above. Grab the holy item from the secret area up here,
    then work your way to the ground floor again and use the checkpoint there.

    Part 07

    Use your shotgun on the samurai and your stakegun on the ninjas as you work
    your way down to the ground, then follow the arrow as you kill another ninja
    and reach the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Take the health and ammo before entering the next room, then shoot some crabs
    and samurai [grab ammo behind the stairs] to open the level exit. Shoot the
    boxes for some gold, then use the level exit.

    (H-08) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 03 - ASYLUM

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level using only Painkiller weapon.
    - Gold: Fury Card [200 gold to place]

    Secrets: 03
    Holy Items: 03

    This is a VERY dark stage, so you can make things a little easier by turning up
    the in-game brightness and/or the brightness of your monitor.

    Part 01

    Simply follow the arrow until you come to the checkpoint, there's no enemies to
    kill in this part [though you can get the only armor in the level by going
    across the bridge thing near the checkpoint and collecting it above a

    You may also want to look for a lamp post near the end of the bridge thing
    that's closest to the checkpoint. Use your painkiller to knock this lamp post
    against the roof of the bridge thing, then walk/jump up it to get on the roof.
    Walk to the other end of this roof for some health and a secret area, then
    return to the ground.

    Go to the front of the Asylum and go a little right of the front doors, then
    find the section of bricks that are slightly sticking out of the wall with two
    windows on both sides. Rapidly jump against the corner on the right part of
    this wall, then go a little left to continue the climb before going back right
    [still jumping] and landing on a very small windowsill. Take a small break
    here, then turn left and jump past the wall that you just jumped up, to land on
    a good-sized roof. Continue jumping along the wall and two more tiny
    windowsills, then grab the holy item on the next roof. Now you're all ready to
    follow the arrow to your first checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Smash the planks of wood on the ground as you fall into a passage below, then
    follow the passage until it ends and climb the ladder on the right side of that
    wall [hard to see in the dark].

    Climb the spiral stairs by the window [turn up the brightness a bit if you
    can't see them]to reach the checkpoint up above.

    Part 03

    Walk towards the flames as the lights go out, then use the arrows to guide you
    as you kill the jumpers. Avoid the ghosts as you do this and follow the arrow
    once all are dead. Jump up the ramp here and climb the stairs, then jump to
    the ladder and climb up to the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Collect the ammo up here and drop back down to the ground, then follow the
    arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Drop down a floor and kill the enemies in the hall and on the beds, avoid the
    ghost like usual and head for the new checkpoint once all are dead.

    Part 06

    Snipe the enemies below before you drop through the hole, then kill some more
    enemies up ahead [including some crawling on the ceiling]. Go down the main
    staircase and enter a door to the right of it, then kill a group of jumpers and
    shockers. Go back up the stairs afterwards and kill a similar group there.

    Once all are dead you should go up the main stairs, then take the right set
    when they split. Climb the next set of stairs ahead of you to reach the third
    floor, then enter the room on your left with TWO shiny holy items in it. Grab
    them both and return to the large room where you killed the final waves of
    enemies, then head down the main stairs and out the door to reach the level


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find every secret place.
    - Silver: Dark Soul Card [400 gold to place]

    Secrets: 06
    Holy Items: 03

    Part 01

    Head down the bridge and shoot a group of ninjas, then grab some freezer ammo
    on your left at the end of the bridge. Go down a ramp on your right at this
    end and grab some ammo up ahead, then turn around and go all the way down to
    the end before taking more ammo and some armor on your right. Return to the
    ramp and use it to jump to the pipe in the middle of this area. You can't pick
    up the armor right now but remember where it is before you go left along the
    pipe towards an opening in the fence.

    Go slightly left or right of the middle to pass through the opening, then jump
    rapidly up the debris at the back to reach the nearby ammo in the secret area.
    Get back on the side of the pipe to leave this small area, then jump from the
    stairs to get back on top and drop to the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Smash the debris as you kill more ninjas, then go forward to the end of this
    path and kill another group of ninjas to your left. Grab some ammo under the
    stairs before climbing up them. Shoot the ninjas on your way up and use the
    checkpoint when you reach the top.

    Part 03

    Grab the electro-driver and avoid some falling barrels, then shoot the ninja
    that drops down before you climb the ladders.

    Only do this next section if you're trying to get the tarot card for this stage
    as it's VERY annoying. Climb the first ladder behind you and jump repeatedly
    to work your way around this tower on the narrow ledge. Collect the health in
    the secret area on the other side of the tower, then continue jumping to work
    your way back to the ladders.

    Climb to the top of the ladders before shooting the ninjas ahead of you and
    behind you, then grab the ammo, armor and health. Drop down to the bridge far
    below and get ready for one of the most annoying parts of this stage.

    Once you land you need to kill a large group of spawning ninjas and samurai,
    but you're also walking on ice so you slide a lot. I found that it worked best
    to shoot the barrels from a distance so they don't blow up later when you're
    in-range of the blast. Otherwise use the electro-driver first until it's out
    of ammo, then move on to the grenade launcher for large groups and the stakegun
    for smaller ones. Feel free to use the shotgun and freezer if you want, but I
    found the stakegun worked better.

    While doing all of this you want to be jumping constantly so that you move
    faster. The ninjas like to use their throwing stars so watch for them and jump
    out of the way before they hit. You can also shoot some barrels and towers
    above you at either end of the bridge, which produces some much-needed health
    for you to collect. Once all enemies are dead you can collect any remaining
    items and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Go down the stairs and go down another set of stairs in front of you [and
    slightly right], then turn around at the bottom of the stairs and follow the
    pipe. Go right to where you found some armor earlier, then climb up to the top
    of the stairs and carefully grab the pair of holy items from the secret area.
    Either jump off the bridge again outside or take the stairs back to the
    previous checkpoint, then go down the first set of stairs.

    Continue to the back of the bridge and jump up the mound, then turn around so
    you can land on one of the two ledges. Follow the ledge for some ammo, then do
    the same for ammo on the other ledge. Head back towards the stairs and collect
    some ammo on the left side of the bridge, then grab some more ammo by the
    stairs. Jump on the platform beside you and ride it until it reaches a set of
    doors, then jump off and carefully shoot stakes into the ninjas.

    Follow the path until a door closes behind you, then let the majority of the
    ninjas come to you as you stake them. There are a lot to deal with [similar to
    the bridge], but once you've got them all you just need to pick off the odd
    sniper in the distance [use the arrow, and the ammo at the dead-end] before
    moving on to the next checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Climb the ladder as a huge crate falls down nearby, then pick up the ammo and
    some power for the electro-driver [so you can fire electrical blasts by
    right-clicking]. Look right of the staircase and you should see a very narrow
    passage. Enter this passage and follow it as it bends left, then grab the ammo
    from the secret area and go back to the stairs.

    Climb the stairs and use your stakegun to take out the ninjas and samurai up
    ahead [don't forget the one ninja on the house, use your arrow], then jump
    across the debris to reach the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Use your shotgun on the nearby samurai and your stakegun on the sniping ninjas
    and samurai, then go to the checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 07

    Rush along the tunnel and turn around as you hit a wall, then quickly kill a
    trio of samurai before they gut you. Once the door opens again you can go to
    the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Climb the ladder and look down and to your left before you reach the top, there
    should be a second ladder just beyond the fence. Work your way to this ladder
    [drop to the fence first if you need to] and grab the holy item on the nearby
    beam [which is a secret area], then climb up and back over the fence.

    Climb all the way up the ladder this time before taking the ammo and health,
    then drop on the cable car and ride it across to the other side. Jump off to
    the ledge and kill a crawler, then take the ammo and climb up the ladders.
    Collect some ammo, health and armor as you follow the ledge through a secret
    area, then go back down the ladders and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Kill the crawlers and take the armor under the stairs [or make a note of it for
    later], then climb the ladder and kill the last group of crawlers. Once all
    are dead you can follow the arrow to the level exit.

    (H-10) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 05 - TOWN

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level using stakes only.
    - Gold: Double Haste Card [300 gold to place]

    Secrets: 05
    Holy Items: 04

    If you're trying for the tarot card in this stage it's not that hard, but you
    have to remember to ONLY use stakes. That's the primary attack for the
    stakegun, don't use any other attacks and you should get it.

    Part 01

    Kill the group of enemies up ahead [don't forget one on the wall that's
    harder to see] and get the ammo from the corner, then kill some more as the
    nearby wall comes down. Go round the corner to your right and kill some more
    enemies by the hanging bodies [shoot the barrels to speed things up], don't
    forget a few above the bodies. Once all are dead you can grab the ammo around
    the next corner and use the checkpoint there.

    Part 02

    Follow the arrows as you shoot more enemies, then kill some that are crawling
    in the next section as well as a few up on the ledges. Grab any ammo if you
    need it before heading to the next section, then carefully shoot the witches
    and more humans. Work your way down the hill as you kill the remaining humans
    [including one up high on your right], then use the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Go right at the fork as you grab some ammo and kill some enemies, then head
    down the hill until a wall appears. Kill the divers and collect the souls,
    then follow the arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Grab the armor on your right before killing the humans and mages [there's ammo
    near the fire]. The mages take a few hits to get rid of and they throw their
    staff at you when they die so look out. They can also shoot dead bodies at you
    so they're best killed ASAP. Once you've killed all humans, mages and witches
    in this long battle you should collect any ammo that you missed and follow your
    arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Enter the tunnel and follow it until you reach a fork, then take the left path
    and go through the door that opens to reach the final enemy for this level.

    It's only a mage though so keep your distance and you should be fine, then go
    through the level exit once he's dead.

    (H-11) CHAPTER 02 - LEVEL 06 - SWAMP

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Swamp Thing in less than 4:00.
    - Gold: Dexterity Card [300 gold to place]

    It's a little easier to get the tarot card for this stage on your first trip
    here compared to the Necrogiant, but if you return later once you have some
    better cards from other stages you'll have a much easier time.

    Boss: Swamp Thing

    This boss cannot be hurt by firing at him directly, at least not until later

    There's a large pile of shotgun ammo on your little island as well as some
    other ammo scattered over the hazardous water. Personally I found the shotgun
    ammo was more than enough to do the job.

    Part 01

    For this part of the battle the boss basically walks in a circle around your
    little island, stopping every so often to do one of two attacks. The first
    attack is to fire a bubble straight at you, but it's easily popped [or dodged
    if you wish] with a single shot at close/medium range.

    You'll know the second type of attack is coming when the boss sticks one of his
    hands down into the water. Quickly look around in a circle at this point until
    you see which side of the island the boss's hand appears at. Quickly back away
    from this edge before the hand comes crashing down on you.

    Otherwise you'll want to fire at the bubbles that form on the surface of the
    water. Specifically you want to fire at the ones that are closest to the boss,
    because they explode and cause him damage. Once about 5/8 of the boss's health
    is left, the second part begins.

    Part 02

    The boss seems to drop his bubble attack in this part of the battle, but he
    replaces it with another one. You should see a glowing ball forming in the
    boss's hands every so often. When you see this you need to quickly jump left
    or right to avoid a fast moving shot. The shot is a lot smaller than the
    bubble from the first part of the battle, but it moves a little faster.

    Otherwise the boss now sticks BOTH hands into the water when he wants to slap
    you, but the strategy remains the same. Quickly look around when you see
    him stick his hands in, then dodge them and get ready to fight back.

    For this part of the battle your shots will damage the boss, but not as much as
    the bubbles will. Much like the first part of the battle you want to find the
    bubbles on the surface of the water. You should see a pair of bubbles as you
    look around, so shoot each one to light the water on fire in those spots. For
    a brief period some bubbles will rise from these two burning locations and you
    can shoot them in mid-air to deal the boss some heavy damage.

    Keep this up and shoot the boss directly when there are no bubbles to shoot,
    then watch the next cutscene after the battle and get ready for the next


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Don't collect a single soul.
    - Silver: Soul Catcher Card [500 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 03

    If you're trying to get the tarot card here you'll want to remove the soul
    keeper card if you have it placed, and keep a constant eye on the soul meter to
    the right of your arrow. You want this meter to stay at 0 through the whole
    stage, but if you mess it up you can go back to your last autosave or

    Part 01

    Kill the 8 soldiers in the tunnels as you avoid their gunfire and grenades
    [collect a box of ammo from the secret area in a pipe on your left], then grab
    the armor from the room on your right while collecting any ammo that you find.
    Shoot the barrels up ahead and kill 4 more soldiers, then use the checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Climb the ladder and kill a group of soldiers on both sides, then collect the
    ammo and head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Climb the stairs and grab the rocket launcher, then kill the large group of
    soldiers. Collect the ammo under all the staircases if you need it, then head
    for the right-most train once all soldiers are dead. Get on the right side of
    this train and walk to the spot where it meets the wall. Walk into the train
    here [it's hard to see the door but you are able to walk inside] and turn
    right, then grab two holy items from the secret area. Leave the train now and
    head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Fight another huge group of soldiers as you collect some health on the upper
    floor and some armor under the large staircase. You'll find ammo around the
    place but there's some chaingun ammo on the ground floor. Once all soldiers
    are dead you should collect any items that are left over and head for the

    Part 05

    This is a very annoying area if you're trying to get the tarot card because
    there's a fair amount of enemies but not a lot of room to dodge them and their

    Use your rocket launcher and chaingun to make short work of most of the
    soldiers here. Don't forget to shoot the enemies up by the windows too, then
    head for the new checkpoint once all are dead.

    Part 06

    Turn left and grab the ammo above the stairs, then go through the doorway
    beyond and take out a small group of enemies. Use your stakes from a distance
    to take out the remaining enemies up high, then return to the previous room and
    enter a tunnel on your right.

    Use the rocket launcher to take out enemies high and low in the room up ahead,
    then go back through the tunnel to reach the new checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Use your stakes and rocket launcher to clear this next room of enemies. There
    are plenty out in the open, a few up high and a couple behind windows but your
    arrow will help you find them all. Pick up all the ammo after the job's done
    and head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Kill a group of soldiers [some of which have flamethrowers], and then a smaller
    group behind you. Once all are dead you can follow the arrow to the level


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill at least 30 enemies in Demon Morph mode.
    - Silver: forgiveness Card [1000 gold to place]

    Secrets: 06
    Holy Items: 04

    Part 01

    Grab the ammo on your left and kill the soldiers outside, then grab the ammo
    behind the building that you started in. Head into the next area and shoot
    more enemies before taking the ammo on your left, then head for the next

    Part 02

    Grab the armor at the back of the room and the ammo in the corners as you shoot
    enemies high and low, then get more ammo in the corners on the upper floor.
    Follow the arrow and drop through the hole in the windows to reach the

    Part 03

    Shoot a large group of enemies as you work your way to the back of the room,
    then kill another group that drops down behind you. Collect all ammo
    before heading through the door on your left, then break out the big guns to
    take out these guys [they use flamethrowers and grenade launchers]. Collect
    any ammo in the room and head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Kill a large group of enemies here including a trio that tries to snipe you
    from the top of some large tanks and a staircase. Enter the small building
    with the open door next and kill a small group of enemies, then grab the ammo
    and armor on the upper floor before using the checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Kill a large group of enemies outside [I recommend using the rocket launcher to
    take them out quickly], then enter the building beside the staircase that had
    the sniper on it earlier. Collect the ammo, health and holy item in this
    secret area, then climb the ladder here for some more ammo. Head outside and
    watch as an explosion happens at the back of the large building, then jump
    through the hole in the wall there.

    Stick to the low road as you kill the enemies, or even jump back through the
    wall and lure them to you one at a time. Collect all ammo down here before you
    climb the stairs, then kill more enemies through the windows. Collect more
    ammo and head left down some stairs as you kill the remaining enemies, then
    grab the health and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Climb the stairs and kill a single enemy, then go to the next checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Follow the tunnel and shoot the tiny group of enemies on the way, then collect
    all the ammo in the next room and go up the ramp on the left side. Kill the
    enemies in here and use your freezer on all the flamethrower enemies once they
    appear. Collect all souls and ammo after the fight, then go up the ramp again
    and jump from the box to reach the checkpoint.

    Part 08

    You'll be pushing boxes in this next section to continue onward, but it's
    really easy. Head straight at the first fork and left at the second, then kill
    a tiny group of enemies. Grab the health and ammo up ahead, then use the next

    Part 09

    Kill a large group of enemies here, you'll likely morph into a demon at least
    once here and it's probably the best part to try for the tarot card. You're
    mainly dealing with the grunt soldiers that charge at you, but later on you
    deal with a few stronger enemies. Pretty much just keep running and use your
    shotgun or rocket launcher to quickly thin out the groups of soldiers. Climb
    the large ladder after the battle and use the level exit at the top.


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill all enemies.
    - Silver: Greed Card [2000 gold to place]

    Secrets: 07
    Holy Items: 04

    If at all possible, you should try to save a demon morph [by keeping your souls
    collected at about 62] for part 14 of this stage. At that point you have to
    fight off 4 tanks in a pretty small room and it can be very hard to do without
    any help.

    Part 01

    Collect the armor and ammo by the vehicles up ahead as you kill some enemies
    inside and outside, then head for the checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill a few flamethrower enemies here and take the ammo, then enter the next
    section and grab the ammo under the stairs. Shoot more enemies as you climb
    the stairs, then shoot the remaining enemies at the top. Collect the ammo and
    health here and head for the checkpoint after the fight.

    Part 03

    Search the bunker and small building on your left for some ammo, then grab some
    more from the other small building as you kill the grunts and flamethrower
    enemies. Grab more ammo from the corner by the small building on your left,
    then wander and wait for a truck to move and open a nearby gate. Shoot the
    barrel by the truck to send it rolling down the hill. Follow the truck down
    the hill and jump over the front of it to get through the next gate, then kill
    a small group of enemies. Go up the ramp and grab the armor in the building to
    your right, then head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Kill the enemy behind you to get the doors open, then shoot a small group of
    enemies up ahead [including one above you when you enter]. Grab all the ammo
    and souls before you go to the next checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Kill the enemies [including those above you] and collect the ammo, then go to
    the corner and ride the elevator down. Kill another enemy once the elevator
    stops, then take the soul and use the checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Kill the enemies as you work your way through the tunnels, then use the
    checkpoint at the end.

    Part 07

    Drop to the bottom of this shaft and attack the grate to get in the vents, then
    take the holy item from the secret area and climb the ladder. Shoot the grate
    and enemies at the top, then climb a nearby ladder and kill some more enemies.
    Climb yet another ladder and kill a few more enemies, then take the armor
    behind them. Enter the shaft once more and collect some ammo, then use the
    next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Climb the ladder and kill the soldiers as you use your rocket launcher on the
    mortars and tanks. As long as you keep moving, the mortars shouldn't be able
    to hit you. Approach the hangars up ahead on your left to trigger some more
    enemies and tanks, then clear them all out.

    Climb on to the plane for some health and a small group of enemies to kill,
    then head for the three long buildings on the right of this area [before the
    hangers]. Go to the back of each of these buildings to find an open door, then
    kill the enemies inside and take the ammo. I found it forked quite well to
    wait beside the first door that opens instead of walking through it, then the
    enemies come to you one at a time and you can easily pick them off. Once all
    three buildings are clear you can head for the checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Kill the enemies inside the building as you take ammo from under the stairs and
    armor by the computer consoles, then climb the stairs to the second floor.
    Kill a small group of enemies here, then collect ammo from behind the machines
    and near the windows. Climb up to the third floor and kill the tiny group of
    enemies, then collect the souls and ride the elevator. Exit the elevator when
    it stops, then use your freezer on the enemy before using the nearby

    Part 10

    Grab some ammo on the outside of the tower, then jump the railing and carefully
    drop down the rooftops to reach the ground. Now that you're safely on solid
    ground you can head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 11

    There is a holy item and secret area in the back left corner of this stage when
    you enter, it's behind a small shed for you to get if you want it.

    Kill all the soldiers, tanks and mortars here, then go to the far right end of
    this area and grab some ammo just outside a medium-sized building. Enter the
    building to find a secret area with some enemies and ammo inside, then climb
    the ladder near the armor to get more ammo and return to the larger area.
    Work your way down a nearby alley and shoot a pile of boxes, then head for the
    checkpoint beyond.

    Part 12

    Shoot the enemies in here and follow the arrow to some ammo and the next

    Part 13

    Grab the ammo behind the building you came out of, then enter the one beside it
    and watch as the wall to your left is destroyed. Kill all enemies in here [the
    grenade launcher or rocket launcher is useful when the enemy comes in groups]
    and head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 14

    Collect ammo from behind the buildings just like before, then enter the
    building beside you and get ready for the hardest part of the stage. Show your
    face around the corner so the soldiers see you, then hide and pick them off one
    by one. Once no more soldiers come to you it's time to destroy FOUR tanks in
    the small room up ahead.

    This leaves you with very little room to avoid their shots, but if you have
    some gold cards I strongly suggest using them now. If you don't have any
    cards, then I hope you managed to get a demon morph from the soldiers [you
    could always load an earlier save for this stage if you want to make sure you
    get a demon morph for this part], otherwise you're going to need a lot of luck.
    Once the tanks are all destroyed you can go to a well-earned checkpoint.

    Part 15

    Grab the armor and health behind the buildings and enter the next one beside
    you, then kill all enemies inside. Collect the souls and use the walkway to
    reach the upper floor, then go to the right side to reach the level exit.

    (H-15) CHAPTER 03 - LEVEL 04 - RUINS

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Guardian in less than 1:20.
    - Gold: Iron Will Card [666 gold to place]

    If you're trying for the tarot card here, then you NEED to come back with
    better cards. The Mercy card is a must, but Dexterity, Double Time Bonus, and
    Rage help a lot too.

    Part 01

    For the first part of this battle you want to attack the top of the boss's
    hammer, not the boss. Once you've dealt the hammer enough damage, it
    disappears and the second part begins

    However before this happens you need to deal with the boss using that hammer to
    smash your face in. Basically you want to stay as far away as possible from
    the boss so that you don't get hit directly. However, even if you're not under
    the hammer when it hits, the shockwaves can still send you flying into the air
    and back down again [which means lots of damage to you]. So try your best to
    jump into the air before the hammer hits, then you can use the shotgun and
    chaingun to damage the hammer most easily.

    As soon as the battle starts you want to grab the ammo around the pillars on
    your left and right, because as the battle rages on the ground gets littered
    with stone and it becomes really hard to find the items. Jump as much as
    possible when moving towards or away from the boss so that you can get over the
    debris quickly.

    Part 02

    Now the boss doesn't have his hammer, but he still pounds the ground with his
    bare fists. The idea is still the same though, keep your distance and jump
    into the air before the boss hits the ground.

    Otherwise attack the boss with whatever weapons you have ammo left for and you
    should win the fight in no time [he's a much bigger target than the hammer
    after all]. Watch the cutscene after the battle and get ready for the next

    (H-16) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 01 - CASTLE

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find every Holy item.
    - Gold: Rage Card [500 gold to place]

    Secrets: 07
    Holy Items: 07

    If you want to get the tarot card for this stage you have to be prepared for
    some REALLY annoying jumping, but otherwise it's not that hard. Just make sure
    that you save your game before trying any of the tricky jumps.

    Part 01

    Head towards the gate ahead and use the freezer to kill the group of dogs, then
    shoot the ropes that are holding up the drawbridge so that you can get across
    it. Sometimes a VERY annoying glitch occurs here and the drawbridge doesn't
    even appear. In this case it's impossible to cross and you need to restart the
    stage. For this reason I STRONGLY recommend checking to see if the drawbridge
    is there and shooting the ropes BEFORE you try to get the holy items under the
    bridge [if you're trying for the tarot card].

    This next section is only needed if you're trying for the tarot card, otherwise
    you can skip it.

    Jump on top of the ledge on your right and find the ladder leading down, then
    climb down it and notice the holy item to the right of the ladder. I find it
    works best to climb up the ladder and jump while climbing to land safely in the
    secret area with the holy item.

    There is in fact another holy item in a similar area farther along the bridge
    [away from the ladder], but in order to get to it you have to make a very
    difficult jump. So make sure you save your game before attempting this, then
    run at the corner of the wall and HOLD the jump button as you jump out of your
    current space. Quickly turn left while still holding the jump button and
    direct yourself into the second area, then grab the holy item and save your
    game once more.

    It's not over yet though, you need to do one of these jumps to reach the next
    holy item even farther along. Once you've done that, you have to go back
    *groan* and then jump to the ladder before climbing up to where you started the

    Cross the drawbridge now and enter the castle, then kill the dogs and lepers
    inside as you grab the armor to your left and ammo to your right. Continue
    onward and shoot some dogs, lepers and an executioner, then collect the ammo
    and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Use your freezer on the two executioners in here, then grab the ammo at the
    back of the room and go to the checkpoint outside.

    Part 03

    Kill the dogs, lepers and an executioner, then grab the ammo and skull mask on
    your left. Enter the small broken house with the low roof for a secret area
    and some ammo, then head for the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Attack a few skeletons in the next room and collect the armor their, then climb
    up the stairs by the entrance to reach the second floor. Use your arrow as you
    kill all skeletons on this floor, then grab the ammo and climb the stairs to
    reach the third floor. Kill the rest of the skeletons up here as you grab some
    health, then go to the checkpoint back on the first floor.

    Part 05

    Grab the ammo while you kill more skeletons in here, then climb the stairs and
    finish the rest off before you head for the checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Drop through a hole in the floor and go to an outside ledge, then go down some
    stairs and up another small set before hugging the left wall. Enter the
    passage in this wall and climb the stairs beyond, then climb the ladder to find
    a secret area and some armor.

    Look for the broken section up here where the ground is slightly lower and you
    should notice a roof up ahead.

    If you're trying to get the tarot card you need to do the following section,
    otherwise ignore it and work your way down to the checkpoint on the ground

    Jump rapidly in a circle on this tower to build up speed, then jump towards
    that roof. Once you land the jump successfully you need to go around the back
    of this [slightly higher] roof where you should notice a holy item on a nearby
    roof. Back up on this roof and jump rapidly forward to build up some speed
    before you sail through the air and land on that holy item in another secret

    Carefully drop onto the wall before dropping farther to the ground below, then
    work your way back to the top of the tower where you started this section.
    Build up speed once more by jumping in a circle and jump across to the next
    roof like you did before. Head to the right side of the lower room that has
    the chimney on it, then carefully look over the edge and drop onto the pair of
    holy items below.

    Now you can head for the nearby checkpoint on the ground below.

    Part 07

    Kill the lepers and executioners here [use the grenade launcher if they lurk in
    a group], then grab the ammo and armor before using the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Kill groups of skeletons, lepers and executioners as you work your way through
    these tunnels. IGNORE the level exit when it appears if you're trying for the
    tarot card, otherwise go ahead and use it [unless you feel like getting a holy

    Go back to the broken house with the low roof and enter the door to the larger
    house beside it, since it's now open. Grab the final holy item from the final
    secret area inside, then smash the chests if you want and go back to use the
    level exit.

    (H-17) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 02 - THE PALACE

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level without any armor.
    - Silver: Vitality Card [100 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 02

    Part 01

    Collect the ammo as you kill the skeletons, guards and archers here, then head
    for the first checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill a large group of guards and archers as you collect ammo all over this open
    area, then climb the stairs that were to your right as you entered this area.
    Follow the ledge around until you see four large slabs of stone leaning against
    the middle building. Walk up these slabs to reach the roof of this building,
    then jump onto the blue ledge.

    Make sure you don't fall onto the lower section of the roof, otherwise you'll
    have to drop down and get all the way back up to reach the ledge again. Go
    left along the ledge for a few steps and you should see a pair of chests on a
    roof to your left. Jump to this ledge to reach a secret area and smash the
    chests for some gold. Now you can work your way down to the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill all the guards, skeletons and archers while you avoid the falling rocks,
    then grab some ammo and health before you collect some more on the upper ledge.
    Take the stairs to your right to get up to that level, then head for the

    Part 04

    Smash the chests for some gold and skeletons, then kill some knights and
    archers up ahead. Use your freezer on both, but make sure you shoot the
    knights anywhere but their shield to shatter them. Collect the ammo and health
    [as well as some armor to your left if you're not trying for the tarot card],
    then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Kill the skeletons and collect the ammo as you climb the stairs, then head for
    the checkpoint at the top.

    Part 06

    Collect the ammo around the room as you kill knights, archers and skeletons,
    then grab the health in the middle when you need it. Once all are dead you can
    grab the remaining souls and head for the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Grab the ammo and shoot the chests in the small room, then enter the large one
    and kill all the guards and knights. Grab the ammo around the room and climb
    the stairs in any of the corners for some more, then follow the arrow to the
    next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Climb the stairs and kill a few guards on your way up, then kill a large group
    of guards on the floor above. Work your way along the ledge for some ammo and
    to finish off any remaining guards and skeletons, then go down a small sloping
    passage by the stairs that you recently used. Collect the holy item and some
    gold from the chests, then go back down the stairs and head for the level exit.

    Kill the group of large guards that appears by using your grenade launcher or
    rocket launcher, then use the level exit.

    (H-18) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 03 - BABEL

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find all ammo.
    - Gold: Double Time Bonus Card [300 gold to place]

    Secrets: 05
    Holy Items: 04

    In this stage you need to get 95 ammo boxes if you want the tarot card. I will
    list how many of these boxes are in each part of the stage and where to find
    them. You will need to waste some ammo if you want to collect all the ammo
    boxes though, because if you have full ammo you can't pick them up.

    Part 01

    14 Ammo Boxes

    Kill the guards and archers, then return to the start and grab the 3 boxes to
    your right. Follow the path here and grab another 3 boxes from the dark
    corner, then grab the armor and kill the group of knights that appears. Climb
    the stairs in the corner to kill the remaining enemies, then collect the 8 ammo
    boxes on the right side of this area.

    Now that you have 14 ammo boxes [check your score with Tab] you can climb the
    stairs and go left across the broken roof. Drop on to one of the planks
    sticking out of the roof and jump down to the health below, then head for the

    Part 02

    08 Ammo Boxes

    Kill a small group of dogs here and grab the ammo boxes, this should bring your
    total to 22 so far. Leave the building and head back down the stairs, then
    follow the arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    27 Ammo Boxes

    Kill the dogs and archers as you climb the stairs, then grab the pair of ammo
    boxes at the top. Ignore the checkpoint for now and head left instead, then
    kill many archers and a few guards as you pick up 13 ammo boxes. Enter the
    secret area up ahead and grab the other 14 ammo boxes inside, then take the
    armor and health. Follow the arrow to the checkpoint that you ignored earlier,
    you should have 49 ammo boxes so far.

    Part 04

    04 Ammo Boxes

    Carefully run through the crushing ceilings and grab the 4 ammo boxes beyond
    [which makes 53 boxes so far], then use the nearby checkpoint.

    Part 05

    09 Ammo Boxes

    Shoot the dogs that come running down the stairs before they run into you, then
    grab the skull mask. Shoot the guards and executioners at the top while you
    grab 9 ammo boxes [so you should have 62 now], then go up the stairs to the
    next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    07 Ammo Boxes

    Grab the ammo boxes [and health] in front of you to bring the total to 69, then
    kill a group of archers and an executioner up ahead before following the arrow
    to the next checkpoint.

    Part 07

    01 Ammo Boxes

    Walk across the floor as it crumbles away, then climb the ramp before it too
    falls away. Turn around once you reach the floor above and walk/jump across
    the right side of the large hole, then take the right path around the wall up
    ahead. Watch the wall as you walk along it and climb the ladder by the forth
    arch. Jump the gap to reach a secret area, then grab the holy item, health and
    ammo box inside. Drop down and jump across the large hole once more, then
    follow the arrow to the checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 08

    25 Ammo Boxes

    Grab the four ammo boxes as you attack the executioners, then shoot a large
    executioner. Hug the inner walls of the shaft as you fall down it and land on
    the middle floor, then grab the 10 ammo boxes here and drop the rest of the way
    to the bottom floor.

    Kill the knights until the dogs appear, then shoot all of them. Kill the
    executioners and collect the final 11 ammo boxes, then head for the stage exit.

    If you didn't make it to the middle floor earlier, you can now climb up the
    large staircase to grab the ammo boxes there.

    (H-19) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 04 - FOREST

    This stage is not available on Insomnia difficulty, it's only available on
    Trauma difficulty [which you unlock by getting the other 23 tarot cards on
    Nightmare difficulty or below, the lower difficulties only have 22 cards

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Finish the level without using the black Tarot.
    - Silver: Divine Intervention Card [0 gold to place]

    Secrets: 02
    Holy Items: 03

    Part 01

    The witches in this stage are VERY annoying because they fly really fast as
    they shoot at you. I find that the chaingun works best to take them out, since
    they usually follow the same flight pattern repeatedly.

    Kill skeletons, witches and cave people as you grab the ammo on your right,
    then rush up the stairs for more ammo and some armor. Otherwise you want to
    keep moving around this area as you kill 65 enemies. Search the area for any
    leftover ammo, then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 02

    Kill some witches and skeletons, then grab the ammo and skull mask up ahead.
    Kill more skeletons, cave people and witches here, then grab the ammo as the
    barrier collapses up ahead.

    Some annoying armored enemies come out here [as well as more witches flying
    above] and they shoot fast fireballs at you. Fire at the red gut of the
    armored enemies to get them off your back, then head for the level exit.

    (H-20) CHAPTER 04 - LEVEL 05 - THE TOWER

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Alastor in less than 05:00.
    - Gold: Triple Haste Card [500 gold to place]

    For this entire fight you need to deal with flaming rocks that fall from the
    sky, but otherwise the battle takes place in 4 parts.

    Apparently there's also a third armor somewhere in this level, but I haven't
    found it yet.

    If you're trying for the tarot card here, then you NEED to come back with
    better cards. The Mercy card is great, but Dexterity, Double Time Bonus, Rage
    and Iron Will [so you don't take damage from either Alastor, or the falls in
    this battle] help a lot too.

    Part 01

    For this part you get to dodge the falling rocks and keep an eye out for
    Alastor as he flies around. When he charges at you from across the arena it's
    your best chance to score some major damage with any weapon. Personally I
    recommend the shotgun, but you need to make sure you dodge out of the way
    before you try attacking him. Jump around the edge of the arena as fast as you
    can to pick up lots of chaingun ammo [and some MUCH-needed armor], then once
    you've drained Alastor's health meter he smashes the floor and you both fall to
    the floor below.

    Part 02

    You'll definitely take some damage as you land [you can make it less by trying
    to land on one of the arches on the way down], but quickly grab the health in
    front of you before Alastor attacks you [there's also some armor that you
    should get at the opposite end of this area]. Stay very close to Alastor as
    you use your shotgun on him [you can also use the chaingun but I find it better
    to save that ammo for later], this way he rarely gets a chance to leap at you
    or breathe fire. Your main concern is him stepping on you, but you should
    quickly be able to empty his health meter. At this point Alastor pounds the
    ground and shatters this floor, sending you both falling even farther to the
    next floor below.

    Part 03

    As far as I know, there's no armor on this floor, but if you've been getting it
    on the other floors you should survive the fall after this part.

    This part of the fight is identical to part 02 above, simply stick close to
    Alastor and use the shotgun [or chaingun if you have to] as you quickly drain
    his health. Once drained, Alastor smashes the floor like usual and you both
    fall a longer distance to the final floor.

    Part 04

    The fall into this part is the one that most often kills players, but you
    should have a better chance of surviving it if you got the armor from the
    previous floors.

    As soon as you land safely you need to quickly run and jump to the outer wall
    and grab some of the health there. Now you need to drain Alastor's health like
    usual and wait for him to head to the middle of the room as if he's going to
    smash the floor.

    This time though he gets hit with beams from the 8 statues around the room as
    they restore his health. You need to quickly destroy as many of these statues
    as you can in this brief moment, then repeat the process until all of the
    statues are destroyed. Once all statues are gone you just need to drain the
    rest of Alastor's health to win the fight!

    (H-21) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 01 - CITY ON WATER

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Find every secret place.
    - Silver: Last Breath Card [300 gold to place]

    Secrets: 06
    Holy Items: 04

    Part 01

    Smash all the boxes for gold and ammo, then notice the larger box that's still
    standing. You can't destroy this box yet, so go through the arch and shoot the
    thugs beyond [including those in the windows]. Shoot the boxes for some more
    ammo, then start crossing the bridge. Take the white barrel on the left side
    of the bridge and roll it to the start of the stage. Roll the barrel beside
    the giant box, then shoot it from a distance to get rid of the box.

    Save your game and jump rapidly toward the plate that was under the board, then
    let it launch you high into the air. Land on the highest tower on the building
    ahead of you, then grab the holy items and health from the secret area there.
    Jump to the roof below and carefully drop to the ground below, then cross the
    bridge once more as you shoot the enemies in the windows.

    Head right at the other side and cross a small bridge on your right, then grab
    the ammo in the open and jump into the dark wall to find some more ammo in a
    secret area. Go back across the bridge and smash all the boxes for some gold
    and ammo, then face the checkpoint and go to the corner of the building by the

    W|- | CP CP = Checkpoint
    W A| | W = Water
    W|---| A = Ammo
    W * * = Your location

    Save your game and jump out over the water, then quickly turn right to land in
    the secret area. Grab the ammo and jump back, then follow the arrow to the

    Part 02

    Enter the passage and climb the stairs as you shoot a group of thugs, then kill
    some shooters in the windows before using the next checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill the group of enemies up ahead [including those in the windows and on
    roofs], then go through the next door and shoot the group of enemies from above
    [with the rocket launcher, grenade launcher, or stakegun]. Grab the ammo and
    climb the spiral staircase for a lot more, then drop through the windows and
    head for the checkpoint.

    Part 04

    Cross the bridge and climb the stairs again, then follow the arrow to the next

    Part 05

    Kill the enemies on the stairs and roof in the next room, then grab the armor
    at the bottom and use the checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Kill enemies high and low up ahead as you smash the boxes for ammo, then go
    through the left door and smash some more boxes for some armor. Climb the
    stairs to kill any remaining enemies on the rooftops, then follow the arrow to
    the checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Follow the arrow as you shoot a small group of enemies, then continue to follow
    the arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 08

    Grab the health and ammo as you kill the skeletons [I used the freezer] around
    the fountain, then shoot the thugs up high and return to the fountain. On the
    right side [as you entered this room] of this fountain there's a door instead
    of a wall. Walk through this door and follow the passage beyond for more ammo
    and a holy item, then go back the way you came and climb some stairs slightly
    left of where you are now. Kill the enemies along the way [including some
    behind you], then head for the next checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Shoot the enemies on the barrels [or just shoot the barrels], then kill the
    large group [use the skull mask] that appears both high and low afterwards.
    Don't forget the pair of enemies on the roof above the door where you entered
    this area, then smash the boxes for more ammo and go to the right side of the
    large building for some more ammo. You should notice a narrow ledge going
    around the back of the building here, follow this ledge around to find some
    health, then follow the arrow to the checkpoint.

    Part 10

    Kill the gunners and skeletons here as you collect the ammo and the armor on
    the right end of the room, then ignore the level exit [unless you don't care
    about the tarot card].

    Go all the way back to the area with the glass cases and go right once you've
    climbed the stairs. You should reach a short set of stairs leading to a
    doorway with some large windows to the right of it. If you look through the
    window, there is a balcony with a railing straight ahead of you. By jumping
    repeatedly along the ledge to your left you can make it there, so do that

    Now get in the corner to your left and jump rapidly as you hold forward to land
    on the grey bridge to your left. Save your game and jump rapidly towards the
    red roof to land on it, then save once more. Cross the roof until you can see
    the large building ahead of you, then go to the right corner of the roof.

    [It's also worth mentioning that this secret can be reached by climbing up the
    stairs to the roof of the large building with the 6 pointy towers. You then
    jump rapidly towards the left-most tower and take a long jump off the top of
    it, to land on the balcony with the holy item. Personally I found this method
    much harder than the one that I'm continuing to describe below.]

    | <----Land on narrow windowsill here

    | ^ Rapidly jump
    | | along edge of
    -| | roof this way
    -| <----Start here

    Save your game before you do anything, then turn left and jump rapidly forward
    along the edge of the roof [as pictured above] to build up speed. Leap over
    the gap and land on the narrow edge of the windowsill on your left. Unless
    your last jump was close to the edge of the roof when you jumped, you'll likely
    hit the water and need to reload your last save.

    I found it work best to take a few steps forward from the starting point in the
    diagram above, but you should be able to judge where the best place to start is
    once you've attempted the jump a couple of times. Once you've landed on the
    windowsill successfully you need to continue jumping so that you don't fall.
    This is a great place to quicksave as you jump continuously on the windowsill.
    Now simply jump repeatedly along the right wall to land on the balcony, then
    grab the well-deserved holy item from this final secret area.

    SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then jump on the railing and jump to the ground below
    before you follow the arrow to the level exit.

    (H-22) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 02 - DOCKS

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Morph into Demon at least 3 times.
    - Gold: Confusion Card [200 gold to place]

    Secrets: 10
    Holy Items: 09

    You'll have a much easier time getting the tarot card for this stage if you
    place the Dark Soul card [you can morph with 50 souls instead of 66]. That
    means that without this card you need to get 198 souls, otherwise you only need
    150 in this stage.

    Part 01

    There's some armor and ammo on the roof of the building on your left, so walk
    forward to the railing and jump over it to the ledge beyond. Walk to the end
    of this ledge and turn around, then jump on the slanted ramp to your right and
    walk up it. Drop onto the roof near the top and grab the items from the secret
    area, then return to the start of the stage.

    Walk forward and go right, then jump onto the small grey building on your left
    and drop onto the staircase. Grab the armor and ignore the stairs, then ride
    the elevator all the way down.

    This can be a hard first battle, so make sure you keep moving and try to kill
    as many enemies as quickly as possible. I recommend jumping to the upper level
    behind the elevator and quickly hiding in the pile of boxes to your right.
    This should give you plenty of time to plan your attack strategy [I went down
    the nearby stairs and hid under them as I killed a small group of enemies]
    without being attacked from all angles. Once all enemies are dead you can
    smash the boxes and grab all the ammo, then head for the checkpoint [and take
    the ammo beside it].

    Part 02

    Kill another group of enemies as you use the ramp and trucks as cover, then
    grab the ammo and the armor under the crane before you use the checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill the enemies [including some that fire rockets] among the alleyways here,
    then collect all the ammo and drop to the lower level that's right of the
    checkpoint. Collect the ammo under the stairs here, then head for the

    Part 04

    Kill the group of enemies here [some with rocket launchers] and pick off the
    few that are up high, then collect the ammo and ride the elevator at the nearby

    Part 05

    Climb the ladder once the elevator stops and walk out along the arm of the
    crane, then jump right to the next checkpoint.

    Part 06

    Walk to the end of the crane arm and carefully drop to the ledge below, then
    climb down the ladder to your left. Kill the tiny group of enemies ahead of
    you and collect the ammo as you approach the stairs, then climb down them and
    go near the large boxes to draw out the next group of enemies. Quickly climb
    up either staircase and kill to lure the enemies to you, then shoot all of

    Search the area for ammo and remaining enemies, then shoot the truck full of
    explosive crates on the right end of this area. Kill the group of skeletons
    that appears [I used the freezer and shotgun], then grab the ammo on the right
    side of the building up ahead. Collect any remaining souls and follow the
    arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 07

    Kill the drunks and rocket-launcher enemies to your right, then collect the
    ammo [including some around the back of the building on your right] and use the
    checkpoint up ahead.

    Part 08

    Kill the skeletons and humans as you collect the ammo, then follow the arrow to
    an elevator and checkpoint.

    Part 09

    Climb the ladder when the elevator stops, then jump the railing on your right
    and walk out along the ledge. Climb the ramp and drop onto the roof for a
    secret area and some health, ammo and armor. Drop back to solid ground and
    follow the arrow to the next checkpoint.

    Part 10

    Drop onto the hanging green box below, then jump to the blue one and jump to
    the yellow ledge below that. Drop to the boxes from here and jump over to the
    skull mask, then drop down to use it on some groups of enemies. Grab whatever
    ammo you can find and shoot your way through the groups of enemies as you
    approach the end of the ship. Grab the armor here and the ammo around the left
    side, then kill any remaining enemies and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 11

    Kill the drunks in here [use the freezer] while you pick up the ammo, then
    climb to the top of the stairs ahead of you for some more ammo. Go back down
    the stairs and head outside at the second floor, then kill more drunks and some
    skeletons [use freezer on both]. Pick up the ammo and push the box that's by
    the yellow tank to the middle of this area. Jump up the slanted midsection of
    this ship from the box, then rapidly jump up similar slopes until you run out
    of slopes. Grab the holy item from the secret area up here, then drop down and
    follow the arrow to the nearby checkpoint [don't forget the ammo under the

    Part 12

    Grab the ammo beside you and kill the group of enemies, then grab the ammo and
    head for the stairway up ahead. Kill the drunks here and climb to the top for
    more drunks to kill, then head for the next set of stairs and kill a small
    group of skeletons as you get close. Climb the stairs and kill a small group
    of enemies, then head for the level exit.


    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Keep Hp above 50.
    - Silver: Soul Redeemer Card [1000 gold to place]

    Secrets: 04
    Holy Items: 04

    Part 01

    Kill the monks and witches as you grab the ammo in the area. Watch out for
    falling rocks and grab the health on the left side of the area to fight some
    more enemies and some skeletons. Grab the armor nearby to trigger another
    group of enemies, then look in the nearby well until you see a holy item on an
    alcove inside it. Grab that holy item and fall to the bottom of the well, then
    shoot your way out again.

    Climb the hill that's above the spot where you recently got some health.
    Follow your arrow towards a small house and kill all the enemies around it,
    then grab the glowing star by following your arrow some more.

    This attracts some enemies from the larger house on the right side of this area
    so head that way and kill them all. Enter the building and kill more enemies,
    then jump up the stairs to your right to reach the floor above. Jump the gaps
    as you kill the remaining enemies, then grab some ammo from a small room to
    your left. Continue across the gaps and get the ammo from the room with the
    spiral staircase, then go down the stairs for more ammo.

    Carefully launch a grenade at the barrels here, then hide on the floor above as
    they all explode. Climb to the top of the stairs next [I shot the enemies from
    inside the staircase] and kill a few more enemies, then grab the nearby glowing
    star. Jump onto the bell and jump through the nearby window to reach the roof
    outside, then jump to the front of the roof to find a holy item in the secret
    area there. Carefully drop to the lower roof and the ground beyond, then
    follow your arrow as you climb up a long staircase and use the checkpoint at
    the top.

    Part 02

    Kill the monks and skeletons here, then shoot the barrel in the left corner
    behind you. Climb the stairs beyond it and kill a few more enemies, then climb
    back down and head for the debris up ahead. Cross the bridge to your right to
    get over the gap, then kill a small group of enemies and grab the ammo up the
    short staircase. To the right of this staircase is a passage that has more
    ammo and some armor, so definitely make use of it.

    Jump rapidly along the flat planks [on your right as you crossed the gap] to
    reach a few enemies up ahead, then jump up some more planks ahead of you to
    reach the floor above. Kill a pair of enemies and grab the glowing star here,
    then jump down to the ledge by the arch on your right. Follow the grey plank
    right and shoot your way through the enemies as you follow the path beyond.
    Jump the gap and shoot through a few more enemies, then grab the glowing star
    up ahead.

    Drop to the ground floor and fall into the passage below the large grey
    metallic object, then use the checkpoint.

    Part 03

    Kill the enemies in the tunnels [as well as some up high], then follow the
    arrow to a gap. Take a running jump to clear the gap, then grab the glowing
    star and kill another enemy. Jump back across the gap and leave the tunnels,
    then go back across the bridge. Kill the lone skeleton before using the
    checkpoint beyond.

    Part 04

    Go down the stairs and kill a group of skeletons, monks and witches at the
    bottom, then take all the ammo and head for the checkpoint.

    Part 05

    Fire a rocket or grenade at the group of monks ahead, then shoot the rest and
    CAREFULLY continue onward. Jump across the gap up ahead and use the checkpoint
    on the other side.

    Part 06

    Follow the tunnel down as you kill a small group of enemies, then hug the wall
    at the opening as you make your way down some rocky steps. Kill a few enemies
    at the bottom and head for the level exit.

    (H-24) CHAPTER 05 - LEVEL 04 - HELL

    Card Unlocking Status:
    - Kill Lucifer.
    - Silver: Mercy Card [2000 gold to place]

    This stage has a lot of enemies, BUT they all die with one hit from ANY weapon,
    so just use the primary function of the Painkiller on all of them.

    Part 01

    Grab the ammo beside you and start walking as some enemies appear around you.
    Ignore them and grab the ammo boxes as you continue onward, then grab some
    armor from a secret area by the fire on your left. Grab more ammo from the
    trenches up ahead and take the ammo from the left path, then grab some health
    from the middle path. Return to the fork and take the right path [if you're
    facing the middle path at the time] to escape the trenches.

    Continue past the dinosaur bones as you take more ammo, then grab the health by
    the small building to your left before heading up the road. Collect more ammo
    as you go [including some in the building to your right], then approach the
    Titanic up ahead and head left for some more ammo.

    Now find a location and just keep killing the enemies [when the red ghosts
    appear, you're close] until the battle with Lucifer begins.

    Part 02

    Jump left to dodge Lucifer's slashes, then attack him until he throws his sword
    into the air.

    Meteors start falling from the sky at this point and you need to find one and
    shoot it INTO Lucifer. Keep shooting meteors into him until he eventually
    throws his sword right at you. Now shoot the sword INTO him just like you did
    with the meteors to end the battle. [If you took too long in any part of the
    battle, then you'll have to fight off a few more ghosts before you get to
    battle Lucifer again.]

    Follow your arrow after the battle to finish the stage and see one of the TWO
    endings to the game.

    (H-25) ENDING 2

    If you want to see the other ending you need to beat the game on Trauma
    difficulty. However in order to get there you first need to get 23 tarot
    cards, so it's off to Nightmare difficulty to play the Prison stage.

    Simply load the latest save or autosave [should be for the cemetery if
    autosave, sort the saves by date] if you want to get as many tarot cards as you
    can on your current difficulty. Select "Sign the pact" to switch difficulties,
    but MAKE SURE that you pick NO when asked if you want to delete your cards and
    scores [if you want to keep them for the other difficulties].

    Be VERY careful when starting a new difficulty. I experienced a strange glitch
    where the game didn't seem to remember how many cards I had. I had 22 cards to
    begin with, yet when I started a new difficulty, I only had 4 cards. I tried
    again and ended up with only 20 cards, but didn't notice until I had played
    through a few stages on that difficulty, so I had to load a much earlier save.

    When you eventually start Trauma difficulty, you should notice that there are
    NO souls to collect in this mode [so unequip any cards that deal with souls,
    because they're wasting space in this mode]. This means that you won't get
    their little health boosts and you also can't morph into a demon. Also there
    is NO quicksave on Trauma difficulty, you can only use the checkpoints for your
    saves. However this difficulty is only as long as the first four chapters, so
    it's a little bit easier because of that.


    In every level of the game there is a chance to earn a black tarot card by
    meeting certain extra objectives. These cards can then be equipped [or placed
    as the game calls it] in any stage that you play to make things easier for you.

    The cards come in either silver or gold and the colour is pretty important,
    although for once silver is better than gold. Gold cards that are equipped
    must be activated by pressing 'E' and they only last for a brief period. You
    can use your gold card set once per stage [unless you find better cards that
    change that]. Silver cards on the other hand are always active, so you pretty
    much equip and forget about them.

    However you can't just equip cards that you have collected, you need to make
    sure that you have enough money to do so. For this reason you want to smash as
    many objects as possible, so that you find lots of gold and are able to use
    your well-earned cards.

    Whenever you remove a card that you have placed you receive half the money back
    that you spent to place it originally. A list of which cards are in which
    stages appears below.

    1-1 - Endurance [Attacks do 50% damage.]
    1-2 - Haste [Game moves 2X slower.]
    1-3 - Soul Keeper [Souls take longer to disappear.]
    1-4 - Time Bonus [Gold cards last 10 seconds longer.]
    1-5 - Blessing [Start each level with 150 health.]

    2-1 - Replenish [Each ammo box gives you double ammo when collected.]
    2-2 - Speed [Your character moves faster.]
    2-3 - Fury [Your attacks do 200% damage]
    2-4 - Dark Soul [After 50 souls you morph into a demon.]
    2-5 - Double Haste [Game moves 4X slower.]
    2-6 - Dexterity [Your weapons fire at double speed.]

    3-1 - Soul Catcher [Souls fly to you as you get close to them.]
    3-2 - Forgiveness [Use your gold card set twice per level.]
    3-3 - Greed [Gold gives you twice the normal amount.]
    3-4 - Iron Will [Invincible, including long falls.]

    4-1 - Rage [Your attacks do 400% damage.]
    4-2 - Vitality [Your max health is raised from 100 to 150.]
    4-3 - Double Time Bonus [Gold cards last 20 seconds longer.]
    4-4 - Divine Intervention [Place cards for free.]
    4-5 - Triple Haste [Game moves 8X slower.]

    5-1 - Last Breath [If you die, you are reborn with 33 health.]
    5-2 - Confusion [Enemies fight among themselves.]
    5-3 - Soul Redeemer [Get twice the normal amount of health from souls.]
    5-4 - Mercy [Use your gold card set thrice per level.]

    (J) CHEATS

    The following cheats are entered at the console [press ~], but they ONLY work
    on Daydream and Insomnia difficulty.

    PKGOD - Turns god mode on/off.
    PKAMMO - Refill your ammo.
    PKPOWER - Refill your ammo and health.
    PKWEAPONS - Gives you all weapons.
    PKDEMON - Turns on Demon Morph [still lasts just as long as usual], use again
    to turn it off early.
    PKHASTE - Slows down everything a LOT, for a brief period.

    PKGOLD - Gives you lots and lots of gold.

    SHOWFPS 1 - Displays the frames per second, use a 0 instead of 1 to turn it
    PKKEEPBODIES - Bodies stay forever, unless you use the code again.
    PKKEEPDECALS - Decals [broken objects] stay forever, unless you use the code
    PKALWAYSGIB - Enemies always fly apart into many bloody pieces, despite how
    they die.
    PKWEAPONMODIFIER - Switches the same upgrade effect of the skull mask on/off.

    (K) THANKS

    Huge thanks go out to the following contributors.

    Alastro, atari009, Barfhappy, Derick Blair, equalizer, grooby, HowBoutNo, Huda,
    Mark Young, Oblivion, Painkiller Hell, Ray Brindley, p0tatz, Ruhab.


    For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom
    here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had
    the same idea.

    I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to
    send money, so it's here for those people.

    For the record I've received about $20 [which works out to a bit more in
    Canadian lol] last I checked, so I got a few cases of pop and made some
    excellent progress on a few FAQs.

    If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's always
    nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for

    My email address is fecalord [AT] gmail [DOT] com, and the paypal address is
    listed below.

    For those that want to contribute, you can use paypal at the following address:

    fecalord2002 [AT] yahoo [DOT] ca

    Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work!


    Submitted by fecalord2002 - Created 7/12/04 (Last Modified 7/27/04)
    See All Painkiller Walkthroughs and FAQs

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Aeqiss -- 24 Kasım 2005, 20:33:39 >


    Sendeki Aşk Değil Hormonal Etki, Benimkisi ise Sadece Etkiye Tepki...


    Mesaj: 41

    24 Kasım 2005; 20:18:39



    İmzam Kural Dışı!..


    Mesaj: 2011

    24 Kasım 2005; 20:19:36





    Mesaj: 476

    24 Kasım 2005; 20:25:40


    makale cok yonlu bir iskence aracidir. uygulanmasi bir kac basamaga tabidir. bu basamaklari gelin, beraberce inceleyelim...

    1. makale yazmaya karar vermek: cogu zaman kisinin tercihine birakilmasa da bazi okullarda iskencenin bir parcasi haline getirildigi gozlemlenmistir. olay soyle gelisir. ogrenciye once ne ile degerlendirilmeyi tercih ettigi sorulur. alternatifler genelde okkali bir prezentasyon ile ufagindan derhal teslimedilesi bir makale, yahut okkali prezentasyon ve daha da okkali bir sozlu sinav yahut da tee donem sonunda teslim edilebilecek uzunundan makaledir. her tembel ogrenci, gec olsun bizim olsun mantigiyla bok varmis gibi bu son sikki secer. bunlardan kasar olanlari daha once de ayni halti yedikleri icin ayni dakkada bir karin agrisina tutulurlar.. nitekim baslarina gelecekleri bilmektedirler.. ancak bu bilgi, tipki kisinin olecegini bildigi halde yasamak icin kicini yirtmasi gibi, asla karar verme mekanizmalari tarafindan kaale alinmaz. uzun makale secilir.. kisa donemde kizlarla (yahut oglanlarla, tercihe bagli) gezip tozulur, uzun donemde got korkusuyla uyku nedir unutulur. (bkz: karinca ile agustos bocegi)

    2. makale konusuna karar vermek: bu adim cok incelikli, diplomatik ayak oyunlariyla dikkatlice gecilmelidir. zira bu adimdaki basari sonraki adimlardaki iskencenin miktariyla yakindan iliskilidir. iskenceciyle yakin temasa girilmesi, konunun hassasiyetini bin kat daha arttirmaktadir. kasar tembeller, bu noktada ikiye ayrilirlar; uyaniklar ve aymazlar. bu ayrim, tembelin cevre kosullariyla uyum duzeyine gore yapilir. ornegin, eger makaleler hoca tarafindan hazirlanmis bir listeden seciliyorsa, uyaniklar o teneffus sigaralarindan feragat edip disari cikmaz, inek kiz ogrencileri ayaklarina basaraktan diskalifiye edip kagittaki en kolay gozuken (gozuken diyorum cunku genelde tembeller ders hakkinda hic bi sey bilmeden aldiklari icin konularin da hangisi kolay hangisi zor bilemezler) konunun karsisina isimlerini ciziktiriverirler. hatta bunlarin pek bi uyanik olanlari emin olamadiklari noktada, bir kac konunun karsisina atmasyon isimler yazip sonra, lutfederek, neymis ne degilmis sorusturmasina gore nihai kararlarini verirler. aymaz tembeller ise, uyanik arkadaslarinin yaptiklarini yapmak zorunda olduklarini bile bile o sigara denen illeti bahane gosterip hemen olay mahalinden kacarlar. ve fakat o bilgi iskencelerinin bir parcasi olan vicdan azabini beraberinde getirir. icilen sigaradan bi bok anlanmaz. genelde tumuyle bitmeden aceleyle sinifa donulur fakat heyhat! dersin butun kolay konulari kapilmis, butun gruplar kurulmus, ve sinifin butun inekleri bifiil uyanik tembellerce hapsedilmistir. artan karin agrisiyla kalan konulardan rastgele bir tanesine isim yazilir, umutsuzluk icinde sinif ve hatta okul terkedilerek bi kahveye bric oynamaya gidilir.

    3. makale iceriginin netlesmesi: konu secimi hersey demek degildir. hocalar butun sevimlilikleriyle kapilarinin makaleleri hakkinda konusmak isteyenlere acik oldugunu duyururlar. uyanik tembeller en az bir kere mutlaka hocaya gidip daha once de geldiklerini ama kendilerini yakalayamadiklarini (yalan), konulari hakkinda cok cesitli fikirleri oldugunu (yalan) ve de bu cesitlilikte bogulduklari icin bir turlu olaya girisemediklerini (o da yalan) soylerler. hocanin konularini kendilerine ozetleyip verdikleri tavsiyeleri not edip derhal noral yasantilarina donmelerine ragmen, uyaniklar aymazlardan yine bir adim ondedirler. nitekim aymazlar buyuk bir ihtimalle hocalarinin anonsunu duymamislardir bile. bu zavalli ruhlar kendi ozetlerini kendileri cikarmak zorundadirlar.

    4. on makale sunumu: yine herkes tarafindan olmasa da buyuk bir hoca kitlesi tarafindan zorunlu tutulan bu iskence, her turlu tembeli makalelerine dogru bir adim atmalarini mecburi kilar. uyaniklar bu asamada hocadan duyduklarini bir kagida giris, gelisme, sonuc basliklari altinda, genellikle kursun kalemle, yazip vererek sifir alirlarken; aymazlar onceki gece internetten devsirdikleri cumleleri anlam butunlugu aramaksizin ve de giris gelisme diye ayirmaksizin copy-paste yaparak sifiri yerler. bu asamada uyaniklarla aymazlarin ayni seviyeye dusmus olmalari uyanik tembelleri aymaz olmaya dogru itmektedir. ve de bu durum, maalesef, egitim sistemimizin kanayan bir yarasidir. olay aksami hep beraber bir bara gidilip dagitilir, yaralar birlik beraberlik duygusu icinde sarillmaya calisilir.

    5. ve kacinilmaz son; makale teslimi:
    (a) bu asama tembelin hayatina teslim tarihinden en gec 2 hafta oncesinde girer. ancak, adi ustunde, tembel; yazim asamasina son 3 gunden once kesinlikle gecemez. aradaki sure genellikle, dis hayatla baglarin kesilip eve kapanma sendromunun yasandigi donemdir. bu donemde tembel, arkadaslarinin butun tekliflerini ' abi ders calismam lazim walla' diyerek geri cevirir ancak gercekte tek yapilan bilgisayar basinda oturup internette surf yapmak, yahut heroes'un nasil olduysa birdenbire karsilarina cikan yeni haritalarini test etmek, olmadi en basitinden mayin tarlasi rekorlarini kirmaya and icmektir. tembel kisi kendisine; yemeyerek, icmeyerek, cok gerekmedikce sicmayarak, maximum duzeyde sigara ve kahve icerek sagligini pic ederek iskence eder. uyumaz, bilgisayar basinda sabahlar ancak yazarak degil mal mal oturarak. hemen hemen butun tembeller bu asamada bile ne hakkinda yazacaklarini kesin olarak bilmezler. gidip hocaya danismak icin de cok gectir. onlar tembeldiler belki, evet, ama gururludurlar. hocadan siktir yemek kimse icin kolay bir sey degildir. o yuzden son zamana kadar aci gercek ertelenir. biliyormus gibi yapilir. hatta arada konunun anahtar kelimeleri google'da aranir... acilan pencereler aceleyle kapatilip yeni bir sigara yakilir, yarim kalan oyuna devam edilir. ailelerinden uzak yasayan tembeller bu asamada telefonlarini nerelerine sokacaklarini sasirirlar. nitekim anne-babaya her defasinda yariladim anne, son rotuslar baba demek adama koymaktadir. beraber yasayan tembeller ise sadece cok calisiyorum moralim bozuk ayaklariyla pacayi kurtarmakta daha sanslidirlar.

    (b) son uc gun, tembellerin uyanma donemleridir. gerisayimin ilk gununde tembel, 3-5 saatlik uykusundan got korkusuyla uyanir. 'abi boku yedik! ciddi ciddi geldi vakit' fosurdamasiyla bilgisayar basina kosar. mailerini bile kontrol etmeden google olayina girer. butun gununu ve de gecesini konu hakkinda buldugu herseyi bilgisayarina kaydetmekle gecirir. ancak bunlardan anlamli bir butunu nasil olusturacagi hakkinda bir bilgisi henuz yoktur. ikinci gun bos bir word sayfasi acilir. kaydedilenler tek tek acilip okunmaya calisilir, ise yarar gibi gorunenler kesilip worde yapistirilir. bu arada tembel yavas yavas konuya sempati duymaya baslar. 'ah be! zamanim olsa neler yazarim ben bunun ustune var ya!' nidalari zikredilmektedir. hatta olay 'dur ben bunu hocayla bi konisiim..belki yayinlanir bile be!' demeye kadar varabilir. ancak simdi vakit yoktur. tembel bunu bilmekte ve de cok aci cekmektedir. cunku altina imzasini atacagi sey ossuruktan bi devsirmeden oteye gidemeyecektir. tembelse kapasitesinin bu olmadigini bilmekte ve de sansinin icine etmekteki basarisini gozlemlemektedir. bu dayanilmaz vicdan azabi tembelde kendinden nefret etmeye kadar varabilir. tembel anne-babalari bu durumdan haberdar olmali ve onlem almalidirlar.
    son gun tembel artik iyice yorulmustur. her gozleri kapanmasin diye kendini cimciklediginde aklina heroes oynayarak yada porno seyrederek gecirdigi zamanlar gelmektedir. bir daha yaparsam allah belami versin yakarislari, kendinden nefret etme egilimini guclendirmektedir. tembel, bilgisayarin saatine her goz attiginda 1 saatin daha geride kalmis olmasina inanamakta, deparlardan deparlara kosmaktadir. ancak olmamakta, olamamaktadir iste... sonunda tembel uykuya yenik dusecektir.

    teslim gunu sabahi gozler acildiginda tembel kalbinin agzinda carptigini hissedecektir. bugun o gundur. yarin yoktur. saat 7 yoktur. bugun saat 6ya kadardir. hemen sahip olunan saat hesaplanir. okula gidis suresi ve ne olur ne olmaz diye eklenen 10 dakika, bir de tuvalete ve sigara icmeye gerekecek ortalama sure kalan saatten cikarilarak net zaman hesaplanir. bu zaman kalan islere paylastirilarak nefes almaksizin calismaya koyulunur. o zamana kadar internetten indirilen makalelerden paraphrase edilen cumleler artik dogrudan copy-paste kurbani olmaya baslarlar. tembel kendisine bir ana makale secip onu mumkun oldugunca izleyerek anlam butunlugune ulasmaya calisir. bu makale asla yanlislikla kaynaklar listesine konmamalidir. hesaplanan net zamanin son yarimsaatinde, eklenen ne olur ne olmaz 10 dakikasi daha ne olacak amina koyiim diyerek goz ardi edilir. son saniyeye kadar kullanilan zaman artik ne getirdiyse bir taksi cagirilir, okula son saniyede varilir, odev sekretere yalakalik yapilarak kabul ettirilir...

    iste bitmistir. yani en azindan odev teslim edilmistir. peki iskence bitmis midir? tembele gore degisir. bazi tembeller- ki biz bunlara koy gotuneci diyoruz- odev verildigi anda kendi iskencelerine notlar aciklanincaya kadar ara verirler. digerleri- ki tip dilinde isimleri ne emmeye ne gommeye gelmeyenlerdir- kendilerine haksizlik yapildigini iddia ederek yeni sans arayislarina girebilir yahut karin agrilarini vicdan azaplariyla ozdeslestirip kendilerine ceza olsun diye ossurmamayi secebilirler.
    gelin gorun ki notlar aciklandiginda iki tur tembel de sinifta kalacak ve de ayni muameleyi gorecektir...

    iste makale iskencesi magdurlarinin acikli oykusu sayin seyirciler.. bir dahaki programimizda master tezi yazim asamalarina tanik olacagiz. eger bugunki programimizdan sapikca bir zevk aldiysaniz, gelecek programimizi da kacirmamanizi tavsiye ederiz! saglicakla kalin...


    kural dışı imza


    Mesaj: 343

    30 Ağustos 2006; 21:11:31


    ne yaani bu çözemedim




    Mesaj: 414

    30 Ağustos 2006; 21:13:07


    ne yaani bu çözemedim

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi tolga0624 -- 30 Ağustos 2006; 21:14:39 >




    Mesaj: 185

    30 Ağustos 2006; 21:16:38


    birazdan MOVED



    Mesaj: 318

    30 Ağustos 2006; 21:21:06


    le le le saniye niye gittin eyleme

    bizim bi komünist bi hoca vardı onu görünce bunu söylüyorduk aklıma geldi yazdım


    F E N E R B A H Ç E

    100 YIL


    Mesaj: 26

    30 Ağustos 2006; 21:27:30


    gereksiz kokuyor...


    Göğsüm daralıyor, yüreğim yanıyor
    olmasaydı sonumuz böyle!


    Mesaj: 114

    30 Ağustos 2006; 21:44:53






    Mesaj: 64

    30 Ağustos 2006; 22:00:16


    gerkesiz mesajlar başlığı bu



    Mesaj: 1007

    30 Ağustos 2006; 22:12:02



    Ne kadar dönersen dön kıçın hep arkadadır...



    Bloody William

    Mesaj: 586

    30 Ağustos 2006; 22:39:08


    elifim noktalandı


    The razor carressed your flesh and your arms turned red
    I feel your vast desire
    Tearing pain is flowing down your arms, sweet, red, warm,
    stream I drink to make you realeased
    Holding your arms cherish this composure
    In the bed of razors we sleep together, forever
    Debian İçinnn


    Mesaj: 352

    31 Ağustos 2006; 0:41:42


    Bu mesajla ilgili şikayetinizi bu icon a tıklayarak yapabilirsiniz.

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    Üye profilini göremiyorsunuz.

    Bu özellik ya kapalı yada erişim izniniz yok.

    Eğer üye olarak girmediyseniz lütfen foruma üye olup tekrar deneyiniz.


    Northwood 2.4 SL6S9 (Since 09/2003) | Gigabyte 8IG1000-G | 2x512MB DDR400 Dual | Sparkle GeForce 6600 AGP 8X


    Mesaj: 245

    31 Ağustos 2006; 0:50:19


    Yazmadım ama neyse.


    Ne dünyayı yakarım, ne de kırarım kadehleri
    Sevgiye inanmaz oldum sayenizde
    Ne okyanuslar kadar derin, ne de gökyüzü kadar sakin
    Fikirler altüst oldu sayenizde
    Of Allah'ım of nedendir hep sana zorla gelişim
    Of Allah'ım of, ofları tekelledim sayenizde


    Mesaj: 2

    31 Ağustos 2006; 2:43:13


    Yazıyorum istediğimi işte bu


    İmzam güzel mi?


    Mesaj: 352

    1 Eylül 2006; 22:39:42


    (Bu bir reklamdır.)
    12 Pixelpipeline
    400Mhz Core Speed
    980Mhz 128Mb Memory
    Pci Express
    Uygun Fiyat
    Yüksek Performans
    (Bu bir reklamdır.)


    Northwood 2.4 SL6S9 (Since 09/2003) | Gigabyte 8IG1000-G | 2x512MB DDR400 Dual | Sparkle GeForce 6600 AGP 8X

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  • Shen ne yapmışsın yahu
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